I see what people are complaining about. If you live in a hot area everything has changed except. If you do not own minerals then the only thing that hasn't changed is your pocketbook. It is dangerous to drive. The landscape traffic housing prices......everything.

I am getting compensated for our minerals but it would be tough to deal with all of this and get nothing. These people need a voice and should get something for their troubles. Alaskans get a check every year for their energy as long as you lived there for awhile. I'm not saying this is the answer but something needs to be corrected. What's even worse is there value of there house and land will fall apart. Would you buy a house land without minerals in the middle of this.....NO WAY. They loss everything and get nothing in return. That needs to be fixed. I want to make a lot of money butnot at the expense of my neighbors.

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Patriot. That is the problem. The bigger problem is who is responsible and who pays. Then how do you evaluate their loss.

I have concluded that someone is going to get wealthy and someone will get hurt. It has been like this for ages and nothing will change. I will do my best to help my neighbors get thru this with me and do my best to make sure that the gas co. Respects me and them.

Your not going far enough Jason,in Ohio township Monroe county masses fo dead fish are floating at the confluence of the Ohio river and Opossum creek. It turns out that the fire up on the hill at Eisenbarths had a runoff of chemicials that just destroyed the pristine environment of a beautiful watershed that will probably never return in our livetimes,so its not just neighbors who are being Impacted so that a few mineral owners can make money oil companies make money for lazy ass trustfunders,governments make money that never returns to the local area.Everybody else loses.  

There is a lot wrong everywhere. Holding all of the property with 1 well and then In Pa Corbett opens up all of the state forest for drilling. He acts as if he is doing Pennsylvania a favor. Why not leave that area pristine just a little while longer until all of the rest that already has access roads and pipelines is drilled.

Please post a link to any articles on this accident. I'm sure others here are interested also.

possum creek a pristine environment?  You do know there is an old coal mine up there that used to fill the hollows?

That mine was not commercially viable,it closed after a very short time of operation, turns out there was very little coal there.Also by the time it was built there were a lot of environmental laws on the books so no it did not do much damage at all. I liked to hunt roots and fish up there beyond the access road.

Jerry. You and everyone else bring up valid points. The fish kill bothers me for sure. There have been other from non drilling activity as well. I heard stories of the Ohio river catching fire from all the crap in it years ago. Again nothing to do with drilling.

Since the industrial revolution we have had environmental disaster. It is part of it. I would like to think we can minimize it but I don't ,think it benefits everyone to not allow technology because of possible problems.

I think that this situation goes back to your original point Jason. Plants like Ormet-Olin caused environmental damage but the tradeoff was that it provided excellent paying permanent jobs for thousands of people over 50 plus years plus a iable school tax base. In the current situation you have this oil and gas thing that causes environmental damage to everybodies area yet a relative few people benefit. The only good paying jobs are the pipelines jobs and they are not permanent positions,the Processing plants like Blue Racer were built by low paid scab labor mosly from the south (or south of the border).even plants like the one in Summerfield are only projected to pay 16-20$ per hour (hell the hamburger flipping wage is set to rise to 15$), I suppose the hardware stores or other such businesses are profiting but for the most part the environmental damage,the road damage and the overall inconvenience probably makes this so called boom more of a media event than fact for the majority of the people in Monroe County. I am not against the people making their money someday I might even lease my land but I think we need to look at the big picture like you pointed out.

Where exactly is the hamburger flipping wage SET to rise to 15$? Only in the minds of socialist redistribution-of-wealth politicians and the drones who blindly follow them. O&G infrastructure is typically built by traveling construction crews who specialize in building just that, O&G infrastructure, and follow the oil patch where ever it is developing. It has always been that way. They didn't bring in "low paid scab labor from the south", they bring in companies and their crews who build this infrastructure every day, all over the country, and have already proved they know how to do it efficiently. Anyone who is serious about working in the oil patch knows it is a transient industry and that to stay in it you will have to be available to follow it where ever it is "hot" at any given time.

In order, San Francisco last week. Oh you mean as opposed to the globalist capitalist thieves and their free flow or money and labor, or do you mean worthless 5th generation trustfunders making money off speculative hedge funds while ruining the economy? I am more of an anarchist with communist leanings not a socialist but I will tell you what,while serving my country in 1974-76 stationed in middle east I got to see people rooting thru garbage to eat so I don't mind socialism,besides coporations get as much as people do. The Blue Racer was built by Chicago Bridge and Iron from Mississippi who mostly brought in their labor. That's the definition of low paid scab labor. As far as construction crews go, well the Pipeliners only have 2 locals so yeah they travel more but we have plenty of local Millwrights,Iron Workers,Boilermakers etc who were denied jobs by that southern Rat outfit,until they blew it up of course. Oh yeah that hot thing pretty much applies to all construction job types not just oil&gas.

Jerry and Finn. Both posts are well thought out. Thank u.

What's funny is I agree with a lot of people. Even the ones that are contrary to my posts. What that tells me is the verdict is not out on this. It is a little to early to judge the effects. We are in the2nd inning of the game. I assome there were growing pains in numerous industries in the beginning. Most rules and procedures are created from mishaps and accidents. We learn a lot as we go.

So I think the economic impact versus the environmental impact is in the we will see faze. I do believe it will benefit far more then it hurts in the future. I hope I'm right.

Jason, 70/30 hmm, in my area near 100% own the minerals, but in my area the small land owners are in the same boat as the non-mineral owners in your area. Just bad luck for them, especially the ones near compressor stations.


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