In keeping with my SWORN SECRECY....

all I can say now is.....

NCD3 is "better" then hoped this time....:)

All of my predictions and assumptions have been proven true....

Will be a couple weeks

till FULL OUTPUT is on line....

that's my last prediction...

When the quarterly report is out.....

it should be a nice surprise...for those involved..

Till lips are sealed.....:)

Views: 8228

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compressed gas

Mike, I thought this is what you were getting at. Not really new tech, but new for the Utica oil window. With many interests in west Guernsey I bet the GE/Devon Energy venture may have something to do with what's happening there. Remember all that old columbia gas transmission acreage.

What's the lastest news on the NCD3 wells? fracked? flared? I.P. test? Compressed gas?

Did the put a gag order on Mike?

Last I heard; Mike & Faye were going to Hawaii when their first check arrived. Gosh, maybe he was serious, but cannot confirm.  NCD3 wells have been a long time coming, hopefully great royalties & rewards for all the Cubbison Rd landowners in this unit. 

When I saw so many oil tankers going out.. I gagged :) All is done.. nothing more to do on NCD3... They dropped straws...2 inch pipe down 63000 feet to bottom and now using compressed gas to blow oil up to top.... saves resivoir pressure...

Too many down days in this first 90 days of production.. and they so not much

GAS down there ?  weird..

Probably be Jan Feb Check on OIL.. before we can tell what the pad is doing

But with oil dropping to maybe $30 a barrel.. don't think weez gonna be able to retire

We will keep you all updated when there is any info....

im suppose to get some info by the end of OCT.... as per how the pad is

doing....hang in there

what well is the NCD3. I received division orders on the Kamm unit. Thanks

The division order you got then says NCD3 near the top

Same as Kamm

What leg are you on.. the south leg ?


Under PROPERTY DESCRIPTION   to the right....

has the LATERAL # and NCD3 in parenthesis....

Doesn't say KAMM anywhere on your divisIon order...

We are on 580010 and must be on 580035 ?

The DECIMAL interest may have you unhappy... it is CORRECT..

It is NOT your % of royaltie by itself..

What they do is...

They take your Royalty interest.. in our case....17.5% and multiply it by

your LAND % in the UNIT.... in our case.. one is 3.71% of the Unit land...

SO.....YOU DO IT THIS WAY......   .175 times .371...LOOK AGAIN

.175 times .371.. and THAT figure is MULIPLIED BY your 'interest"  in your


if you only own HALF of your minerals... YOU would then multiply the DECIMAL point you got.. by  .. point 5.. OR   .5

Very simple....

Most people use 17.5% times 3.71%  AND THAT WONT WORK...

your DECIMAL point is accurate im sure....

If you still don't quite understand.   let me know...


0-580010(NCDC3H1) I'm on the north side of 313

580010 is a loooooooooooong laterl... 5300 some feet

Should pay some good royalties.. ever if someone has small acerage

OK I see your parcel now on our paperwork

1.84%  .....but that will still pay you a fair amount....:)

that lateral is suppose to be putting out a lot of oil/condensate

good for you....

You will be getting a check for GAS only.. about Nov 12-15th

Then a Gas and Oil check in Dec about the same time...

Sure wish time would fly on this deal...:)




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