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From what I read that map is representative of initial production from 2011 to 2014.

Since even then (not too long ago) newer developmental technology has emerged (such as waterless fracturing) to suit geology encountered.

New Development has slowed down since due to the various market circumstances, politics and many other complexities.

No real market beyond domestic right now to speak of so no place to sell massive increases in production by developing more.

The Utica extent is much larger than shown based on many other maps I've read.

This I'm thinking is by plan / design.

I see much more development to come in the future pending market, more infrastructure, geopolitics, etc.More development, I think, will provide more 'Sweetspots'.

Just the way I read it / IMHO.
Just about at that Gas Sweet Spot Minimum pointer is the RRC Utica well. 59MMcf IP and 15 MMcf designed production for 6 months now. If that's minimum sure hope all my unit wells are minimum.
Now aren't I stupid. Minimum meaning minimum area not production.

I don't think you're at all stupid Tim.

I think you're pretty damn smart.


Did you download the Report contained within your linked article.

I did.

A lot of good info.

Thanks for your post and link.


I found this site for the report somewhat easier to work with.  The tabs at the upper right allow one to go to the info quicker.     There is much info to be found here and most is above my brain cells.   Could someone with o/g knowledge give us some commentary on what is found in the data.    My overall impression is this was a tremendous study, supported by major oil/gas companies using personnel from a number of university geology departments and state agencies to come to these conclusions.  

I could see in some of the maps a faint white line  along the Monroe and Belmont Ohio county borders with WV.    Anyone willing to tell me what that means?  

If the link won't go straight to the info, try keying it into the address bar.

If you understand what this report says then quit your day job and go work for an E&P company.  This thing is heavy on the science and some of it is beyond even my grasp.  Short version: Point Pleasant is the best target because the clay content is lower than the Utica and the TOC is high enough to create a good reservoir.  

Thanks Dexter G.

Where the heck you been ?

The heavy science is heavy all right and most of it over my head.

What I'm taking away from it however is that it's big / covers alot of territory and is going to be around for a long time.

Also judging from most all other posts I'm reading the only way to proceed is with extreme vigilence / caution as it really looks like they're gunnin' for us.

Been saying that for awhile.

I own minerals in Greene County Pa where it says "sweet spot" natural gas. Am I right to be excited?

It depends on how old you are Debra Lynn.  The older you are the less excited you should be.  The hearth can't handle too much as one runs out of room on the birthday cake for candles.  Secondly, there is too much NG so it will be a long time for drilling and low prices.

green county is actually on a triple play and greene county is beng drilled right now in all three formations Uper Devonian Marcellus and Utica


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