We purchased a 50 acre piece of property many years ago that was included with surrounding properties in Ashtabula County, Ohio in a gas lease. The well was located on a neighbor's property and included our 50 acres, her 50 acres and other property encompassing approx.40 acres. I believe the lease was originally drawn up in the 1960's. The well is a producing well and the original share we were to have received was 1/16 but we are now receiving under 1/25 for royalties. At the time we purchased the property, fracking was no where on the radar so we really didn't have a concern. Of course all of that has now changed.

I have talked to individuals that have told me that since this is a producing well, we are stuck with this lease, even though we have never signed it because the previous landowner agreed to it. I know that there must be many others in this same situation since a great deal of the land surrounding us was already previously leased and had current gas wells in place. I guess my question is: Has anyone taken this issue to court? Naturally we strongly resent being held captive to an old lease that we never signed and never agreed to and would like to take action. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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"Naturally we strongly resent being held captive to an old lease that we never signed and never agreed to and would like to take action."

While you may resent it as much as you wish to the facts seem pretty clear.  The lease goes with the land, not the owner of the land.  If there is still production and you're being paid then the production company is living up to their end of the bargain.  You are likely stuck like thousands of other Ohio landowners.


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