I have enjoyed this site for many years. Of course my interest is centered around the subject matter of the site, the Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale, and related issues.

However it is not just the subject matter that I enjoy. It is also the "free wheeling" format of the site. There is no heavy handed editing by the administrator of the site. All who participate are free to opine as they see fit. Of course a certain amount of civility is required and I appreciate the administrator for exercising a fair hand in this area.

Therefore, for all of you whiners and complainers about this site or a certain thread I have this advice, Grow Up! We are dealing with adult conversations here and if you are not adult enough to handle the conversations here then don't participate. Don't read the threads that offend you and please save your unwanted comments.

 To be sure, not everything posted here interests me, nor do I agree with everything posted on the site. I choose to be an adult and self edit, not complain and whine.

I applaud the administrator of this site for the opportunity which has been provided.

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