From BTU Analytics

November was an important and much-anticipated month for Northeast pipeline projects, with seven projects being placed into service, five of which add a total 1.15 Bcf/d of incremental natural gas takeaway capacity out of the region. These were brownfield projects on AGT, CGT, TETCO, and TGP, as summarized in the table below. One notable project absent from this list is TCO Leach XPress, which had been scheduled for a November startup, but has been delayed until January 2018.

Even without the full impact of Rayne XPress, new pipeline capacity has ushered in record production in the region, with production receipts exceeding 26 Bcf/d at the end of November. This brings the November average to 25.5 Bcf/d, which was 1.8 Bcf/d greater than October, as weak pricing resulted in shut in production at times during shoulder season.

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