Does anyone on here know anything about Northern Tier Energy?  I know that they're out of Wilkes Barre and are supposedly connected to Marathon.  Has anyone leased with this company?  Did they pay up? 

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Northern Tier Energy has a fair number of leases in Clarion County surrounding the Knox Borough/Elk Township area. I believe they are attempting to finish putting together some units in that area because they've been making some offers for $2,500/15%/10 years. They've paid on their older leases, but I can't say I've heard them paying on this offer, yet. But if a few key hold-out landowners would ink it I don't really doubt that they'd pay up. Also, Stone Energy Company has much more significant holdings in that area and a contract buying substantial capacity in a pipeline, so don't be surprised if Stone is eyeballing them. Here's an article that you might want to check out on NTE, which explains its sell-off by Marathon:


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