Northwestern Bradford County Meeting on Fair Deal Gas Leasing April 19 th.

There will be a landowners meeting on Fair Deal gas leasing prospects at the Mosherville Church on April 19 th. at 2:00 pm.

A PowerPoint will be presented at the meeting and may be viewed if you are unable to attend by the attachment or at:

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Guys coupla things.  First of all, I'm on dial-up.  So a 4+meg download is virtually invisible to me without a really long wait.  Secondly, the OP here didn't bother to expend much effort to tell us what this "Fair Deal" is, not even a few words.  

I'm about to write critically here, and if I have guessed wrong I want to apologize in advance.  But I Googled "Fair Deal gas leasing" and what came up is troubling.  In fact it pretty much stinks out loud.  Here is what I found and if this is where the OP is going what we have here is cheap politics with a real stench:

This stinks out loud

Now once more, I didn't look at that huge download so if I've got this wrong I apologize again.  However:

This Democrat fool McCord want to impose a 10 percent driller's tax on PA natural gas.  That's really going to promote PA drilling and make us all rich.  This idiot is your typical Democrat fruitcake, wanting to tax anything that is successful.

Here is the bottom line for folks in Bradford County and throughout rural Pennsylvania:

The existing impact fee goes disproportionately to rural folks like us landowners.  No Pennsylvania Democrat is happy about that, since their principal constituency is the cities.  Right now we're getting the money, as we should since the drilling is here, and the city folks are getting a lot less than Democrats like McCord would like.  Also, as things stand now, the tax (or impact fee) load for the gas companies, though significant, is tolerable.  This keeps them drilling and keeps our royalty money and bonus money flowing.  A huge new tax on the gas companies further messes us landowners up because it makes PA drilling less competitive (with other states) than it is now.

Bottom line, this insane "Fair Deal" is a double loser for US!!!  It's no wonder they are trying to sell us this trash heap of an idea.  It's gonna take some pretty persuasive selling IMHO!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry that the PowerPoint file is too large for you to download. It's content has nothing to do with what you seem to think we must be referring to regarding a Fair Deal. If you are for treating landowners fairly, I think you might be favorably impressed.

This is for unleased landowners correct?

We hope to be able to accommodate persons who are unleased or will be in the fairly near future. This is mentioned on slide 61 of the PowerPoint.

John you tell me nothing.  At least say, or would someone else please just say:

Is the "Fair Deal" being referred to here in the OP, which will be the subject of the meeting . . is that the same "Fair Deal" currently being put forth by PA Democrat gubernatorial candidate McCord?

If it is, the deal is a joke for landowners.

If not, what an amazing coincidence!!!!!!!

It's a really simple question.  Could somebody please provide the answer.  Is this McCord's "Fair Deal"?   Or is it something else entirely, totally unrelated?

I'm not familiar with McCord's "Fair Deal". If you could get access to a computer connection at a library or a neighbor with a wider bandwidth, you could download the PowerPoint and know what its content actually is. Then we can communicate, if you like, about what I posted rather than what you think was posted.

Thank you, John.  Understood.

Your "Fair Deal" is completely unrelated to a proposal being advanced by McCord having precisely the same name, and related as well to Pennsylvania natural gas.

I can only observe, John my friend, that you have made a really unfortunate choice of names for your project, as confusion with the other "Fair Deal" is virtually inevitable.

There being so little help or information available here, I will attempt to download that gi-normous file when I can free up the computer time and bandwidth.  It had better be worth it!!  :-)



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