About My Support for Natural Gas by Joe Nocera

Some thoughts from the column.

Let’s take a closer look. To begin with, fracking is hardly new. In Texas and Oklahoma, it has been used for decades, with nobody complaining much about environmental degradation. It must be a coincidence that these worries surfaced when a natural gas field called the Marcellus Shale was discovered in the Northeast, primarily under Pennsylvania and New York. Surely, East Coast residents wouldn’t object to having the country use more natural gas just because it’s going to be drilled in their own backyard instead of, say, downtown Fort Worth. Would they?

A bit more.

As for the actual environmental questions, there are three main ones. First, fracking supposedly allows gas and dangerous chemicals to seep into the water supply. This is pretty implausible. Water tables are 1,000 feet or less from the surface; fracking usually takes place well under 7,000 feet. In Dimock, Pa., where methane appears to have leaked into the water supply, state environmental officials say that the problem was not fracking but rather sloppy gas producers who didn’t take proper care in cementing their wells.

Send an email to Joe and thank him for his objective reporting

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amen to that
Take a look at this article from Penn State that tells you how to test methane in your water well written in 2006. The Gasland video of setting fire to a faucet could easily have gotten this information &used it for his own purposes-propaganda & Creating fear from fracking.

I am about to got to New York and begin drilling wells.


      Where in NY are you drilling? Is there any interest in drilling in Allegany county?


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