Odds in Favor of a PA Ethane Cracker Just Went WAY Up - Article from Marcellus Drilling News

At the end of October, MDN told you about comments from Shell’s retiring CEO Peter Voser that stoked fears that the previously announced Pennsylvania ethane cracker plant they may build was in doubt (see Rumor Mill: PA Ethane Cracker Plant on Shell Chopping Block?). Voser said that Shell’s wishlist included three major projects: the ethane cracker in PA, a gas-to-liquids plant in Louisiana, and an LNG plant in Canada. At the time Voser said Shell cannot build all three projects and would need to make “hard choices.”
It looks like the choice has been made and it’s very good news for PA! Yesterday Shell announced they are nixing the gas-to-liquids project in Louisiana, which (MDN’s view) makes it much more likely the PA ethane cracker plant will go forward.

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Bring it on!!!

Oooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :))

Very good news.


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