Have seen a lot more interest lately in those wishing to acquire mineral rights in parts of South east Ohio.  Is this due to interest in the Black River formation or some other reason.  Getting several a week.  Have no interest in selling but curious as to what is prompting this.

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What are you calling Southeast Ohio?

Guernsey and nearby counties.


I googled "who is leasing the Black River rock for oil and gas exploration" and got no pertinent information.  However, an article I had written and published on M********************* did appear which provides a good deal of information on the subject.  Search for "the Basics of Ohio Geology" if you are interested in reading it.  If you have a problem reading or finding it, reply here and I will either send it to your personal email or post it on site here for your review.  Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

How petty.  They blocked the name of the other site which I mentioned.  If you want the info say so here and I will forward it to you privately.  Alternately, google as I did above and about the fourth or fifth option will be "the Basics of Ohio Geology".  Good luck

How deep is the TBR in eastern Ohio,in Tioga co. PA. its around 11k.

Its 7-8k in Ohio.

 The TBR is the reservoir for the layers above it's fed primarily with fault lines from above.

What do you mean by reservoirs?   Reservoirs for natural gas, oil or water?   Are there vertical fault lines?

Reservoirs is the layer that holds the byproduct.Oil and wet gas migrate into the fault lines some dump into the TBR.

Are faults large enough to contain a high quantity of natural gas & oil for a gas company to target?  Is water an issue with faults?

Yep if the siz mic info is good they drill the fault lines and follow them. Good question farm gas.

Please post it under this discussion as I am sure others are interested as well. Thank you!


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