Ohio: Carney&Cera introduce HB 400; to require specific info to be provided with your royalty payment

HB 400 is introduced and the article will tell you that the Republicans may not even get this out of committee;  Landowners if we really want this uniform reporting to us from the O&G companies it is time to speak to this committee and other legislators.

First link is to article:


This link is to the proposed bill:


GMS we need to discuss this on this site as I feel certain a number of groups read these discussions to see what landowners are thinking. 

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Thank you Tom for giving us access to your article.  

I cannot express how strange indeed it is that this committee of elected representatives could only ask one question about this bill, but could debate for an hour about a resolution on global warming.  This IMHO is government stalling tactics.   Carney and Cera need emails of support for having the courage to introduce the bill and Ohio landowners on GMS need to speak.  Standardizied reporting exists in other states, and the Ag and Natural Resources committee won't even ask questions about it!!!


First thank you for all that you have done and intend to do.

But I'm having a lot of trouble finding their friendly hand extended toward me as an Eastern Ohio Landowner / Prospective Lessor.

Instead I see trespass after trespass looming.

It begins with the 'Forced Pooling / Forced Unitization' legislation which appears to me to vest supreme power in the ODNR Oil and Gas Division Chief as to whether or not a leasehold agreement is 'just and reasonable' - relieving the landowners of their right to refuse a leasehold offer if they choose to refuse and then perhaps penalizes / causes them great financial burden. Included in those burdens may be : Severance Tax, Real Estate Tax increases, Production Costs, Post Production Costs, Market Enhancement Costs and the latest hint of a new (presently non-existent) Windfall Profit Tax.

Sounds more like throwing us under the bus instead of helping us across the street to me.

All in my most humble opinions.

I wonder if the Windfall Profit Tax reference appears because the proposed standardized model is a copy or composite of forms used by other states, and those forms still have a  Windfall Profit Tax entry section dating from back in the day. 

In states with a longer history of standardized reporting, it may take legistative action to alter the form, so it is much easier just to leave the form alone, and there is on damage because the tax doesn't any longer exist, so reporting is zero on that section of the report.

Can't overlook it.

Every entry can lead to court.

I say clean it all up / shake it out.

We need rules and laws that protect landowner / lessor rights of private ownership, not rules and laws that provide channels to litigation.


Please tell me where the Honorable Representatives Carney and Cera got the idea to insert all of the superfluous 'Windfall Profit Tax' language into the Bill ?

Would you say it was inserted to purposely stall development ?

Personally, I see no reason to commend either sponsor on this mish - mosh.

Apparently that's just me however.

I'll thank everyone for a spirited discussion.


IMHO we Ohioans do need to give support to those who are introducing a bill  that would benefit landowners.  A bill is not perfect when introduced, but that is what debate on it is about, just because it is introduced in a specific way does not mean that if it reached final passage it would be in that form.  As of today the bill would not even get out of the committee, no vote on it, and that is not positive for those receiving royalties.  The sponsors need support to know that landowners want a bill that addresses the issue.  Ask the sponsors the question about the "Windfall profits" and then express your views. I can't answer the question about the wording of the bill, but they can.  We as taxpayers, landowners, and voters can tell our legislators what we would like in a bill.

Debate is the heart of Democracy.  If we as landowners do not engage with the legislators then we cannot complain about laws that will affect us.

There are 23 house members on this committee; 14 Republicans and 9 Democrats; 20 men and three woman.  And I continue to find it amazing that only one question was asked.  

My purpose in these posts is to make landowners aware, encourage them to speak to the representatives and senators, and to become involved in the legislative process.  So here is the link to the 23 committee members


Thank you for the link searcherone.

I'll use it.

For info., I used the link and it took me the AG Committee's web page.
Once there I was able to send an e-mail to the Chair of the Committee (the Hon. Ohio House Rep. David Hall); and I did send two (2) e-mail messages - one (1) last night and one (1) again this morning. Also I obtained his telephone number from the web page and called his office and spoke to an intern named Mark explaining and asking him to relay my and my wife's serious concerns to the Chair.

My e-mails and telephone call expressed my and my wife's serious concerns on this Bill (and other Bills) in Committee.


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