Ohio Elected Officials and Statewide Groups Voice Support for Drilling in Wayne National Forrest

Ohio Elected Officials and Statewide Groups Voice Support for Drilling in Wayne National Forest

Elected officials from both parties recently joined groups from across Ohio to advocate for responsible oil and gas development in the Wayne National Forest (WNF).

The support has been overwhelming and bipartisan ahead of the public comment period coming to a close.  U.S. Senator Rob Portman, Congressman Bill Johnson, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, state representatives, state senators, county commissioners, economic development agencies, chambers, and  labor unions submitted a flurry of letters to the Bureau of Land management (BLM) explain that drilling in the WNF will brings jobs and economic prosperity to the state.

This news comes just days after the BLM made an announcement that it plans to move forward with oil and gas leasing on public lands. That must have been a blow to anti-fracking activists led by the “Keep it in the Ground” campaign and MoveOn.org’s  national petition, “Just say NO to fracking” on public lands. Despite the efforts of these groups, authentic local Ohio voices are prevailing and making it abundantly clear that there is strong support for drilling in the Wayne.

Labor groups, including the International Union of Operating Engineers’ Local 18 attended all three public meetings held on WNF leasing and made the following comments:

“The oil and natural gas industry has played an important role in the economic well-being of Ohio, and the state’s production is a strong contributor toward American energy security. … We are asking that the Bureau of Land Management approve leasing and expedite the process, as the U.S. Forest Service has already conducted a thorough NEPA review in 2012.”

Bipartisan Monroe County Commissioners Tim Price (D) Carl Davis (D) Mick Schumacher (R) stated:

“We are writing on behalf of our constituent and what has been a public outcry from landowners in Monroe County regarding delays with development of private mineral leases located under and adjacent to the Wayne National Forest. The real issue is property rights. In addition, since 2008, mineral development has generated more than $460,000 for local government. In 2015, Monroe County received $33,286.00 in Payment in Liu of Taxes (PILT), of which there was no monies received from federal minerals. We also find this matter concerning from a perspective of “The Secure Rural School and Community Self Determination Act of 2000” (SRS), which is another source of funding from the Wayne National Forest that provide payments to fund important local services “

United States Senator Rob Portman (OH) said:

“The exploration of Eastern Ohio’s Utica and Marcellus Shale has placed Southeast Ohio at the forefront of domestic energy production. Harnessing the resources in the Wayne National Forest will help increase our nation’s energy security, create jobs, and provide economic development of much-needed areas.”

Representative Bill Johnson (OH-6) also weighed in stating:

 “The federal government is hindering shale development throughout significant parts of Southeastern Ohio. Some residents, particularly in Monroe and Washington Counties, have elected to lease their private mineral rights for the purpose of oil and natural gas development. But many are finding themselves in a situation where their private leases are at risk of not being developed because their private mineral leases are adjacent to, or under the surface of, the Wayne National Forest. I urge the BLM to take action on the pending leases in the Wayne National Forest.”

Out of State Anti-Fossil Fuel Activists Posing As “Local” Concerned Citizens

While officials and prominent labor and business groups who actually live in Ohio overwhelmingly support development in the WNF, the voice of opposition has primarily been from out-of-state anti-fossil groups who have parachuted into Ohio to pose as “local” concerned citizens.

For example, here are a few highlights of MoveOn.org’s petitions to stop development in the WNF from “local” concerned citizens.  But notice how many “local” voices are coming from out of state.

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