You whined and moaned about the emissions from coal fired power plants; and in the end you had your way, they are being shut down left and right.

So where is the electricity to come from to supply the people of NY ? Oh yeah, natural gas.

Except that you all oppose shale development that would provide the needs of the people of NY.

You also oppose new pipelines to bring enough natural gas to NY to replace coal.

So the obvious solution for NY is increased use of renewables/alternative sources of energy.

It's your time lefties, produce the alternative sources of energy you say can replace fossil fuel.

Oh that's right, alternative sources of energy are not ready for prime time players are they? So you must have been misleading the public when you opposed fossil fuels, and proposed other sources as replacements.

Where are the proposals from your Leftist Governor and his supporters in Albany ? They don't exist.

In the end you hypocrites will have to admit that we all need natural gas from shale development; at least as a bridge source of energy until alternatives are ready.

As I said Batter Up! What is your answer to the growing problem of energy supplies in NY ?

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