I was at our place over Memorial Day weekend...one of my neighbors said that the gas companies were pulling out of Orwell Township does anyone have any information about this...is it true that we are sitting on a giant salt dome and the geology in the area is problematic...I have been unleased since 2009 and I can't seem to find any gas company that's interested...

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Don't know if you were aware of this, I happened to look at the SPUD reports from the PADEP website. They list 4 wells in the Cooley unit (in Orwell township) with spud dates between 2/6 and 2/10/2014. This is a Southwestern unit and from Wayne's maps they seem to be the big operators in the Orwell area. So unless it is a very recent decision I doubt the gas co's are pulling out, but in general drilling activity has been pretty low throughout Bradford county since the start of this year.


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