Pa.>>> Condensates and NGL's >>> paid thru Gas lease royalty or Oil lease royalty ?

Since in Pennsylvania each of Gas, Coal, Oil and Mineral Rights are treated separately.

Say a Gas well is drilled and producing Dry Gas for the Gas lease.

If NGLs and or Condensates are also produced and being sold from the same Gas well, who receives the proceeds from these products ?  Do NGLs and or Condensates products fall under a Gas lease or an Oil lease for royalty payments ? 

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In our society, when you sign a contract, it had better contain all the details of what you are buying or selling, or you don’t get that which is not written.

In the world of Oil & Gas where only the rich and influential are permitted to take part, if you sign a lease as a landowner, which is a contract, the O&G companies get everything that you failed to list on that lease/contract. This contradicts how the rest of society does business.

If you have a 15 page lease that details everything, then the O&G companies just doesn’t follow the lease. They include that paragraph in the lease. You have to tell them that they aren’t following your lease. When you tell them they are violating your lease, they just continue doing what they want.

This is Our Nations 100 plus year old dirty little secret.

Please Keep it quiet. Johny K and his god are hard at work trying to move up to Washington, but the real God knows whats best for johny and his god.


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