I have been noticing many new permit requests on the PA DEP website for permits titled "Drill & Operate Well Permit Inactive Status".   What does this mean?  Is the gas company planning to plug, shut-in or drill a new or older well?   Any connection to these permits with pending PA  gas tax changes?   Are older shallow wells subject to these tax changes, too?

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Here is the explanation I got from PA geologist:

Inactive status refers to wells that have been drilled, but have not been turned-into-line for production.   Often they are waiting on pipeline.  Once the pipeline has been built, they will be stimulated, turned-into-line and produced.  When wells get approved for inactive status, the paperwork usually has a date by which the operator expects the well to be active, or has to re-apply for inactive status.  This is different from permits, which are valid for one year.


Robin Anthony | Geologic Scientist I | Petroleum and Subsurface Geology Section
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Thanks Philip,  is there available a glossary describing the many different entries in the DEP E-Facts reports?  It would be useful to be able to understand and follow their progress through the DEP system.


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This is more or less a direct contact with Katherine Schmid who Oliver Perry has mentioned as a source of PA Well info.

If you get some usable information please link it here.



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