Property in the middle of all drilling - but not being drilled

I was wondering how concerned we should be that our property is in the middle of drilling, yet they are not drilling on it.  According to a neighbour, who has a map...all lands surrounding us are being drilled - yet we have not been incorporated into a unit yet.  Is it possible that they would pay out a lease and never drill there?  How hard is it for them to drill this later?  Called the Chesapeake hotline and all they would tell me is there is no significant reason it is not being drilled and they have 3 years left to drill it.  I don't know enough about the drilling process to know if this is logical.  It seems if they are drilling all around, they would just pick up on this 40 acres also.  Any thoughts?

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The way the units are drawn is complicated and each company has a different policy.  Where is the property (R,T,S, County)?

Columbiana County - surrounded by drilling by both the Dye well and the Crosser wells.  It just seems like they would drill it all at once.  Any contact info for a Chesapeake Rep that could shed light on this would be helpful.

Do you know how to look up wells on odnr well finder? There are several rows of wells and there are open spots with room for another 640 acre unit. If someone in your "unit" would not lease it might explain these gaps. I am on smart phone now so can't look but i think dye is in line with tritten and crosser with andrulis. There is a gap I think between dye and tritten.

The two laterals for the Dye well are 5H and 10H.  The lateral for Crosser is 5H.  My guess is that both wells are planned for 5 laterals north and 5 laterals south.  Also the Andrulis lateral is 8H, probably there are at least 8 laterals are planned.  I wouldn't give up hope yet.

Thank You.  That is good news.  We're not in any hurry - we just would hate to think that after leasing the land it wouldn't end up being drilled.  It looks like I have a lot to learn about these well locations and what might affect us.  This site is really good and I appreciate all the info.  It doesn't seem logical at all that they would spend the money for the lease and then not proceed at some point in time. 

Thank You.  I will look at the odnr site today and try to figure it out. 


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