We have a well pad in our area that is not in production yet due to no pipeline.  The well is drilled and fracked.  Why are workers and trucks going into the site during the night and working/walking around with flashlights??????  The noise coming from the pad was unlike any noises heard during the drilling or fracking process.  Does anyone know what the process is after the well is completed and waiting for a pipeline to come through? 

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Unless they are flowing back the frac and recovering water there would be nothing occurring on the pad.  If they were doing so then they would eventually start seeing gas volumes which they would flare.  If you see guys with flashlights in the middle of the night it would be indicative of a problem in my opinion.

On the other hand, possibly competitors checking out the wellhead after dark.  Maybe they are attempting to determine how much the well is choked back?  Used to be folks in the business called scouts who could be very creative in acquiring information in the oil patch.  It is admittedly a pretty far-fetched guess on my part.

It has been flared and this happened a few weeks after the flare.  Thank you Jim and Steven for your ans.  - it does make sense.  Some of the other ans. were just people spouting off.  It makes getting info harder when people only want to be negative.  Thank you again for your good information. 

These companies have literally bought all of our sayso on our land. They came in here and lied about the royalties people will be receiving, now that we actually have some wells up and running. They keep everything a secret, until they are actually doing the drilling. If hindsight was 20/20, I would of told them where to go.

Maybe some of us researched leasing before we signed our lease.  We attended meetings and have loads of addendum -- we and our neighbors are very happy and hope we and everyone is put into production ASAP.  I am just curious about the industry and what happens as wells are developed. It is a fascinating time here in our area. 

VG, I could not of said it better.

I knew it was not competitors b/c the gates are locked when the drilling company leaves.  And personally I do not wish to receive a phone call every time they need to do drilling activity.  As for leases - we have all leased that are in the unit --- the lease is what it is and we are okay with night time activity.  My question was one of technical procedure.  This is not the first time I have found your comments to be less than positive.  If it had been my property I would have marched out to ask what they were doing.  And as for the comment about all our royalities --- pipeline would be extremely helpful.  I am sorry if you have not been unitized yet - if that is what you meant- b/c I want to see everyone here benefit instead of relying on foreign products. 

Leases have given them the right to come onto properties unless you had addendum to restrict times of day -- personally I have not been bothered by their comings, noises, or any disruptions. 



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