Our resident fractivist made a big deal out of Range being fined by the DEP.

Wonder if he will apologize for that post of fear mongering?

What do you think Paul? Ready to man up?


Pennsylvania environmental regulators have, for now, dropped their pursuit of a nearly $9 million fine against Range Resources-Appalachia LLC after the two sides reached an agreement over a Lycoming County gas well that regulators said leaked methane into drinking water supplies and streams.

The Fort Worth, Texas-based oil and gas production company is still likely to face a penalty at a later stage in the gas migration case, which is ongoing.

“We are currently investigating the source and the remedy and then will take appropriate enforcement action,” Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Neil Shader said.

Range Resources withdrew its appeal of the proposed penalty on May 13 after DEP “fully rescinded” the proposed $8.95 million fine, the company said in a filing with the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board. The withdrawal of the proposed fine was first reported by PennLive on Saturday.

The proposed penalty assessment was dropped in keeping with an agreement DEP and Range finalized on May 5, but that document was not included in the filing, and DEP has not released it.

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Haha, man up, wishful thinking!

Now all Range has to worry about are the billions it has lost and continues to lose from the misadventure/boondoggles in their business plan.

If only there was someone at Range who understood the oil and gas business.

I'm afraid there is nothing but dim witted, good ol boys from Ft. Worth in the Range executive suite.


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