West Virginia oil and natural gas production reached record levels in 2018, the 10th straight year of output increases, according to data from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Production of natural gas rose last year to 1.8 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) from 1.5 Tcf in 2017, a year-over-year increase of 17 percent.

Oil production grew nearly 60 percent, from 7.5 million barrels in 2017 to 12 million barrels in 2018. This is the largest amount of oil produced since 1900, when 16 million barrels were produced by the state.

“One of the primary reasons West Virginia is enjoying an historic budget surplus is because of the prolific rise in natural gas and oil production,” said Anne Blankenship, Executive Director of the West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association (WVONGA). “Rising production results in higher severance and property tax receipts which help fund critical services like education, road improvements, and health care, while also creating more jobs for West Virginians.”

“To put this monumental volume of gas production into context, the average West Virginia household consumes about 72 Mcf (thousand cubic feet) of natural gas per year. We produce enough gas in one day to meet the needs of all West Virginians.” said Blankenship.


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Your 3 state region produced about 10 1/2 Trillion cubic feet last year, 2018.

That is such a stunningly high number that I am not sure if you all - in general - are able to appreciate  the sheer size of an annual 10 + Trillion cubic feet output. 

Next time some news article touts a "monster" gas find in, say, the Eastern Mediterranean of 30 Trillion cubic feet or so, note well that the 30 Tcf number is less than 3 years output from the Appalachian Basin.

Biggest benefit to you folks and your families for generations to come would be when the pipeline buildout expands to bring natgas to all your residences and commercial structures.

Industry will (continue to) flock to your region as you will have the cheapest, most abundant and reliable electricity supply in the country.

Throw in the ethylene and propylene dirt cheap feedstocks and your manufacturing base will soar.


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