Does anyone know anything about this company? They are supposedly out of Marietta ohio in Washington county.

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so they aren't really drillers?


Gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mills in California in 1848.

First came the erstwhile prospectors, collecting surface nuggets and panning for gold.

Then came people who set up shop to sell basic mining supplies.

Then came the Assayers who valued and purchased the gold.

When the surface gold was exhausted, mining began,

People set up camps and boarding houses for the influx of get-rich-quick seeking miners that arrived in mass in 1849.

Shops were set up to provide provisions for the miners; Levi Strauss created his sturdy trousers that stood up to the rigors of mining.

Chinese Laundries, Restaurants, Bakeries and Banks appeared, along with rows of Saloons.

With the Saloons came the Card Sharks, Con Artists, Pickpockets, Thieves and the Ladies who would entertain the miners (charging by the minute).


In the Marcellus and the Utica Gold Rush we are currently witnessing the arrival of the descendants of those Card Sharks, Con Artists, Pickpockets, Thieves and the rent-a-date Ladies.


Some things never change … except for their titles; now the leaches carry Business Cards and make different bogus promises and have different cons.




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