Republican Party fusillade catches Western PA landowners by surprise - Shock and Awe!!

The entirety of the Republican Party has opened a full scale attack on PA landowners and royalty owners, but especially on those in Western PA.  This attack is called SB 259.  It will cost Pennsylvanians millions of dollars, money which will go straight into gas company coffers.  Here is a newspaper article explaining what has happened:

PA landowners come under sharp, unexpected attack!

SB 259 sits today on Governor Corbett's desk awaiting signature.  Contact him here:

Contact Corbett here - Tell him to veto SB 259!

If enough of us take action right now, this impending robbery can still be thwarted!!  But time is very, very short.  You must act now.  Tell Corbett to veto SB 259.

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I called... hope others do also! I believe calls are better than emails.. but which ever something!  Gov's office :717-787-2500

And sooo all for not... the idiot in harrisburg did sign the bill into law... so much for republicans standing up for thr rights of the people..

Everything was fine until this fine young man, Garth Everett... a great example of a "we the people" person threw the monkey wrench into the mix, and then says "What? Where did that come from?" I hope people in his district vote his sorry lying ass out! LQQK here ---->

can any one tell me the site to look up certian well units in PA. I want to find out about our well that CHESP.  just fracked. how long is the laterals and how many legs on the pad well site.

This also keep one bone head in the center of a group of leased plots near drill pads that ready drill and go on line from stopping the process and keeping  their neighbors leases from paying royalties for years to come a case of who is hurting whom?    If 70% are signed up pull the other 30% into the pool, my bet is once they get a check in the mail they won't send it back..........

Tom Brian

You are way too easy going and kind.  Summary execution is the proper punishment for "bone head" property owners seeking to exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed property rights against your will.  Screw the Constitution.  And to heck with property rights of others that interfere with your views of how things ought to be.

BTW, not that there is any chance of your understanding, but SB 259 did nothing whatsoever of the sort you so despise.  The landowners impacted by SB 259 are already leased!!  What they lost is the right to re-negotiate their leases on their terms to allow for horizontal drilling, and the income they would have derived from retention of that right.  The landowners harmed by SB 259 are not the anti-drilling zealots you envision.


OK maybe i am wrong but the land under my kitchen table came off a 5 year low ball lease this year.

i don't give a hoot about a new lease,.what is bugging me is nearby land owners  that took the lease money and now are not allowing drilling won't  allow pipe lines to go through because the think they should get more than anyone else. and are keeping many others from getting well pads that are in place from being developed. still feel that one or two "overly greedy" are keeping others from the right to sell on the open market what is theirs... this bill will level the playing field for all And i do have other land still under lease where there is no problem. should not say "bone head " 

Naaa, Tom, it's OK to say "bone head".  Guess I just don't understand your dilemma.  In the wake of SB 259, already-leased landowners are pretty much powerless to stop deep well development . . . unless they file suit.  If you are having problems with unleased land, though, that's another story entirely.  That's not something SB 259 addressed.

On gathering lines, there again that's not related to SB 259.  Here where I live they most often can find a way to route the gathering lines regardless landowners who don't want them.  I concede that's not the case everywhere.


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