Since Rex's buy out of Swepi's Western PA and Eastern Ohio leaseholds,a lot of folks (including me) may have questions for y'all who are being produced by Rex. You can pose these questions on this thread if you like! Thanks.

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The check stub is an attachment to my post on the previous page.



They're done fracking on the Stebbins pad, moving all the equipment out. LewPa

Hi Lew,

I was watching all the traffic.  I'm assuming they used their 2200 - 2500 lbs/foot of sand frack.


What is happening to the lease checks that were due to us at the beginning of this year 2015?  so now that it is almost half thruough, even if you think royalties may start, I believe you would owe us at least half of whaat was due to us months ago.


You have to be a little clearer on exactly what your asking, unit name? where located? etc? Generally once ground is broken for a new well that involves your land that is leased, that's the end of your lease, it's into the production phase. LewPa  

butler county  muddy creek twnshp  and Adams well

also the agent that arranged the lease said we would get that check once per year until royalties start,  which we were hoping they would start sooner



Are you in the Adams unit? You would have been notified by registered mail with a plat map and a notification to test your well or spring water. If not, if you were due a yearly delay rental payment as your lease states, you need to call the person's number from Rex on the cover letter that accompanied your first check. They will be able to answer your questions, not the agent, he's done with you, but with Rex itself. Hope this helps, LewPa

ok well I am not sure I still have that cover letter   so now what?  who can I contact and need a phone number?



Good news from Rex this evening about a new pipeline partner for the northern Butler Co, Pa leased land. Can see the news release at their stock symbol, REXX on Yahoo finance, or other sources. LewPa

Thanks LewPa.


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