What is a fair and equitable agreement (fee amount) with an attorney to negotiate a ROW/pipeline on your behalf? How are most attorney's doing this? Hourly rate? Percentage? Anyone know and willing to share? I am interested in the going rates and procedures in Monroe Co., Ohio. The attorney I contacted wants 50% of counter-proposal amount above original ROW offer. If original offer is the best, than I owe nothing. Is this reasonable and normal?

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No, not reasonable. Call Emens and Wolper  in Columbus or the White Law firm in Millersburg Ohio. They work for landowners only- never for  gas companies. Charge 25% above first offer.


Todd, Definitely contact Emens & Wolper in Columbus.  They have been recommended by Farm Bureau and were in Woodsfield for a public meeting some time ago. Fees are 25% of the amount  they get you over the amount you were originally offered.  Good record for land owner.   Have seem some of their contracts, very detailed.  The White Law firm may be the ones occupying the former Peters office in Woodsfield and has a local young lady attorney Christy Rothenbuhler on staff.  She was affiliated with Critchfield, Critchfield and Johnson and worked in this county for them.  Would consider her to be reputable and hard working, know nothing about the fees.


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