After seeing someone who is getting more than 1,000 per ace in West VA I am wondering why we are not getting anything similar. My royalty is about 100 per Acre and Shell has not paid anything for June. I am still waiting for an answer as to why.

Also it appears as Shell is taking out Operating cost but not telling anyone. We may start a class action law suit against them as they have been stealing from us from day 1

Any information regarding royalty amounts per acre and drops in payments especially from Shell would be appreciated


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That's a stupid comment! The reason is there is wet gas in West Virginia

No, your WAY oversimplifying what is going on, besides the number of wells and mixture of wet/dry gas  and unit size, other important factors are lateral lengths for each well, number of fracs per 1000 feet, type of frac, royalty rates, processing costs, choking, compression availablity, shale thickness, shale depth, shale porosity, shale TOC, where the gas is sold etc ALL matter in determining what your going to get per acre.

There are single wells putting out over $1000/acre in NE PA (long laterals in deep shale in small units), others $10/acre (verticals in large units). Is it just plain silly to ask why my NE PA well gets x/acre and some random West VA well gets y/acre without mentioning all these factors. You don't know the basics of what is going on.


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