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Abdullah is dead

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The king is dead.  Long live the king.

King Abdullah, now deceased, was an important part of the Saudi decision-making apparatus which has been responsible recently for such aggressively low energy prices.  These in turn have impacted the companies, and the industry, with which many of us do business.

So will King Abdullah's death spark Saudi policy change?  Will a new broom "sweep clean"?  I seriously doubt it, but I really do not know.  With a different person now at the helm over there, it's likely best to keep a closer eye on developments than might have been needed in the past.

The Saudi hierarchy quite clearly is in the "successor grooming" business.  But even with much "grooming", when the old guard passes away there is no guarantee as to what direction the noob's policies will take.  

Saw this after responding to Dexter:

Death impacts price

Guess it's pretty obvious . . . but still.


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