Does anyone know of any reputable seismic testing companies that could be hired by the landowner to get their own testing results?  Or can these things be looked up in the registry of deeds to get an idea of what exactly is going on?

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There are companies that have libraries of data already on most of the "hot" areas.  If there is oil/gas in your area, then there was probably a seismic done in the past 30 years.  They may have not been directly on your property when it was done.  They can perform the blasting or thumping on a neighbor or roadway and never enter your property.  There are also aeromagnetic surveys that can be done by plane to obtain similar results.

Anyhow, back to your question.  Here is one of the companies that sells this data:  You can look on their website to see if data is available for your area.  The data is not cheap.  If I remember correctly, it was around $100 per acre for the data if you bought a significant amount (1000's of acres).  Not sure what they charge for a small area.

But in reality, I would not waste my money on any seismic data.  It is good for identifying faults (you do not want to drill into a fault and create an earthquake).  But as far as telling if you are in a good spot for drilling, it is only one piece of the puzzle.  The drilling companies look at many other sources of data (test wells, actual wells, topography, ect) in order to locate where a well will be drilled.

What exactly would you like to find out about your property?

Thank you for your response... we only have a few acres that were part of a 1,200 acre consolidated pool that was leased to the Sylvania Corporation back in 1940 of which the lease ran out in 1961.  the property is near where the new ethane cracker plant in Monaca, PA  is being built and we are trying to find out where the well was located within that 1,200 acres.  The landowner was sent a letter some years ago from a company doing seismic testing but she never responded to it.  Since then shell has purchased some properties not too far from her.  We are out of state and unable to see what is going on there.  She is planning to go back there in the fall and trying to gather as much information before she goes.  They are doing a lot of development and infrastructure.  Her property is down in a hollow and she is worried that it may become landlocked with all the new infrastructure going on...

To find a well in PA, you need to go to the following website:

Click on the button and it will take you to the mapping screen.  Select both conventional and unconventional wells.  Select ALL in the well status section.  Then click on the button at the bottom to update the map with your selections.

You will get a map like this:  

Now, zoom into the area that you are looking at.  The little dots are wells.  As you zoom closer, more will appear.  Now click on the black I icon on the left side of the map.  Now click on one of the dots and you will get some information on that well.

Hope this helps.

Awesome... thank you so much... this is great!


      Don't worry they will be calling you and knocking at your door to do seismic testing.

One landowner on this website said that the Seismic people were eating lunch on his property every day for weeks after testing.

In the spring if you let them drill and set off "charges"/explosions on your land, any water that was traveling through the shale can end up on the surface. That happened to my neighbor in March 2012, now he is installing plastic pipe or tiles to remove the water off of his property.

Some leases include seismic testing on your property, but only for the company you signed a lease with.

The Seismic lady who called me was pretty much upset when I responded to her "You do have Seismic Testing in Your lease for Chesapeake Energy, right".

Yes but are you Chesapeake Energy?


Then don't set off charges on my land and damage the springs.

She said "I'm Tellin". I said tell anyone you want I could care less.

Chesapeake and I were going to have a falling out, regardless of whether I let them do seismic testing. Knowing what I know now it would have been a shame to ruin my land plus have my well products stolen.  

Thank you for your response... they did send her a letter for seismic testing some years ago but we never responded to it... shell has since purchased some properties nearby and we are just trying to learn as much as possible as we are out of state.  I have read that there are a lot of problems with the gas companies... this is why we are trying to learn as much as possible before going there.  It looks like it has been a nightmare for more than a few people. I believe they were doing seismic testing on her neighbors property and then shell purchased part of the neighbors property... now everyone is not talking and the neighbor won't even speak to her.  We were part of a consolidated pool that was leased to the Sylvania Corporation back in 1940 of which the lease ran out in 1961.  The property is near where the new ethane cracker plant in Monaca, PA is being built and we are trying to find out where the well was located within that 1,200 acres.


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