We had a man  come to our farm  today and wanted us to sign papers to let them do Seismic testing on our farm.  The mans name was Mike Allstead from SEITEL, out of Monaca, PA. He offered us $5.00 per acre on our 76 acre farm. They want to dig 40 3 inch round holes , 30 ft. deep, put blasting powder in the holes . ( My Husband talked to the man, I was not here)  He told the man he needs to talk with me. I am to call him and set up a time after the Holidays to sign the papers. The man needs to come back and draw where the buildings and ponds are, on our property.  Has anyone else been aproached by this  company ? ANY information would be appreciated ! Not sure what to do ? Confused..... Many Thanks in advance for your information !

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If I were you, I would get educated on Marcellus fracking and not just from the companies that are offering all 'pie in the sky' comments. Seismic testing is just the beginning and then they will want you to sign your gas rights to them, then the s___ hits the fan.

Wells have been contaminated and livestock has died and given still birth. People nearby these wells are suffering with health problems as well, asthma, rashes and lethargy to name only a couple.. If you drill on your land, your property value will drop. Many banks will not finance fracked property if you want to ever sell. Check with your homeowners, many will drop coverage on drilled property. The noise while they drill and frack these wells is 24/7 and don't plan on driving either as the truck traffic is constant and heavy, also 24 hrs.

Contact Marcellus Protest, Penn Environment, SHAAD, (South Hills, Pgh.), MOAB (Butler Cty., PA) or any other group involved in banning, or placing a moratorium on fracking for gas.Research on the internet or at your library. Educate yourself. Once your well is poisoned with all their toxins and carcinogens, there is no turning back!

frontline video Donald is not joking. Here is a farmers experience.

Troll alert!

This video has long been exposed as a scam and false propaganda.

It belongs in the realm of Urban Legend.


Go here for the truth:




Sorry Jack. This video came out yesterday. You know Energy in Depth's sole purpose for being is to be a cheerleader for gas, and to dispell and negativiyt to the industry? Not a biased report at all. How can we have real discussions about the safety of this process when people act like this doesn't happen? Nancy asked a legitimate question and I provide a view point on the topic she was asking about. That is not trolling.


Do a Google search on " Carol French Bradford County Fracking" and you will see that this scam is more than 1 1/2 years old; simply repackaged and rehashed. Same old, same old propaganda.

How can we have real discussions about the safety of this process when people act like this nonsense really does happen?

"French Fry's" agi-prop is the REAL pollution.

Actually it appears that fracing has done much to clean up PA's groundwater:

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that leaking septic tanks and surface run-off from dairy, beef cattle, horse, pig and poultry operations have been polluting their household water wells.

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that shallow biogenic methane and methane from the shallow coal measures are present in their water wells and (for their safety) their wells need to be vented.

The well testing that has been promoted prior to and subsequent to fracing has shown many people that harmful minerals (including arsenic) from the shallow coal measures are present in their wells


The heightened interest in the testing of water wells has shown two things:

1). Fracing has been shown to be safe.

2). Many people have long standing serious issues with their water wells, for which they were unaware - serious issues that have nothing to do with drilling and fracing of the Marcellus Shale.







Believe it or not Carol french is not a scam .She has nothing to gain and has been involved with this NG process for years telling people the truth of what takes place when you face the drillers.truth is something this industry hates.Your smart remarks aren't really that smart for those that have heard them before .

More like cockroaches than locusts.

I think that the Forbes article resulted in a new bunch of the creatures hatching out.

All they can do is rehash all the old discredited nonsense.

Dimmock has been shown to be a farse.

Texas was shown to be a con, people trying to falsely extort money.

Wyoming was shown to be a case where the EPA accidentally polluted its own monitoring wells.

Just like dominos, one false accusation after another falls.

Although these scams are exposed, False Casandras keep reviving them - hoping to infect a new audience with their bilious lies.


Sadly, we can expect the Trolls to be out in force as they are emboldened by the new trash movie that was produced with money from the U.A.E.; a movie likely supported with money from some of the same individuals who supported the hijackers of 9/11 fame.






Yeah, cockroaches, just like those crazy people who made the cigarette industry fess up that cigarettes caused cancer. Didn't those people want the jobs the tobacco industry brings?

The people who made the cigarette industry fess up that cigarettes caused cancer were tackling a real problem as opposed to individuals who manufactured an imaginary problem in order to promulgate a new religion: "The Church of the Wholly Antifracers".



Nancy wants the truth, these other guys want money.


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