I've received an offer to sell mineral rights for a small 3 acre property.  What should I watch out for?

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I am also here seeking information regarding selling as opposed to leasing.  Opinions abound here. some of them quite strong, but facts seem hard to come by.  I am not qualified to advise you.  Many factors affect value.  (Your location and how your property relates to other activity around it, etc.)

Be sure, though, to explore the option of leasing as opposed to selling.  Besides the possibility/probability of residual income through royalties from the minerals, there are other factors which may make leasing the best option.  If you live on the property, you are selling the earth beneath your home, the consequences of which are obvious.

There is much secrecy in this industry, which results in a surprising amount of paranoia.  I have been accused in another thread, and by a select few, of being an undercover minerals buyer, attempting to influence unsuspecting property holders to sell.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

I am responding to request that you pass along any information regarding the offer you received that you feel comfortable making public.  (Location, dollars per acre, prospective buyer.)

I have received no offers as yet, but if I do, I will share them as well.

Need more information.  Property location, who holds the current lease, what the offer is, etc.


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