I am new to this sight but it seems informative. I think I may have posted in the wrong area befor. Thanks in advance for any replies.

I have heard that many land owners are now selling water to drilling/frac companies. I was wondering if anyone on here has done that and what it entails. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your responses.

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Interesting topic ,Thanks for starting this and please post your experiences or PM .

If your concerned posting to a public forum, use a lot of "in my opinion" s LOL ...

Also what state as I am Pa and believe water usages differ from state to state?


I have a friend who knows a woman who has in Harrison county;  if you send me a message I can get you my friend's number as he was more or less a liason between the pond owner and the company needing it.  (No money involved, just introduced her to them.)     

This is actually potable well water...its been tested and would not require any "treatment" or special considerations before usage by the frac/drilling companies

How much volume do you have, in a pond/ lake/ tanks,
And how many gallons per minute can it replenish at?

Its been estimated we can move 750,000gal/day when using both wells...I'm sure we could rent tanks.


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