My dad has a lease run out in June, and he had a landman stop yesterday. Apparently, they are offering $1,000 per acre.. LMFAO


Does Shell really think the landowners that signed the original BS leases are gonna come out and sign for that after their neighbors just signed for $3,250 6 months ago? I know, I know, it's the old they don't have competition. Tell you what, add up the acreage of all the old leases coming due, along with current holdouts, and they just found competiton. I really hope that landowners, without LAWYERS can keep communication lines open and not settle for BS lowball offers....

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It wouldn't hurt to start by either calling or sending a letter to your neighbors around you. Then expand out from there. Most likely many are in the same boat as you. After school is out you'll have some extra time to dedicate to all this but definately get the word out before people start getting picked off and you lose leverage in negotiating. If enough people are on board you should be able to force Shell to up the ante or entice another company to come play. 

That is kind of my thinking, thanks!

Lance - What county you in?  Butler county here and shell shenanigans as well. 

$1,000.00 per acre is insulting in view of recent leases in the county.  As far as forming a landowners group, I tried that when Shell was interested in our area. Extreemly difficult to say the least. Someone was quoted as saying it was like herding cats...Good luck Lance

Funny how their M.O. never changes.  I guess it keeps working so why fix it....

mtc (my two cents), *cinn (change is nothing new), komo (keep on movin' on), teto (to each their own), haid (how am I doing?), Oeho (Opinions, everybody has one), totke (takes one to know one), mtc-fwiw (my two cents - for what it's worth),haid (how am I doing?), ktc (keep the change)..., 

batf (be above the fray), *wdnm,llnh,dlnm (WORK like you don't need the money,LAUGH like you've never been hrt, DANCE like no one is watching)...

wmms (walk a mile in my shoes...)  -OR-  wm3s (walk a million miles in my shoes...)


*Miss Susquehanna Sally, it is funny..does M.O. stand for 'Mucking Out'...stalls & such +?

SO 'HOT!' - SHELL game SUCKER-PUNCHED? - Go Marcellus & Utica through this...from Jan 13,2013...


batf (be above the fray), ngu (never give up), hnd (have a nice day)

 What does GG stand for Gay Guy. LOL

Maybe GG & Frank Dux are one and the same???


Going Gault

iawia (I am what I am)

aru (as R/are U/you...)

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. mtc (my two cents)...

iawia (I am what I amI

aru (as R/are U/you)

as one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness

totko (takes one to know one?) batf (be above the fray), teto (to each their own), Oeho (Opinions, everyone has one?), mtc (my two cents), ktc (keep the change), fwiw (for what it's worth, ngu (never give up), wmms (walk a mile in my shoes), komo (keep on moving on), cinn (change is nothing new), sil (such is life), watch out for the rpm (regular people's minds), botb (best of the best) - haid (how am i doing?) ngu (never give up) hnd (have a nice day), wM3s (walk a million miles in my shoes), wfo (want to find out?) imwk (inquiring minds want to know)...and last, but not least sil (such is life)...

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness. wad (what a day!)

You're mighty funny, paleface - funny looking (stop staring in the won't change anything!). You'll be fine, kiddo. I think you're gr-e-aat!!! (like Tony-the-Tiger's famous Frosted Flakes!)


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