I signed with Shell on February 8th. Lease was recorded on March 22nd. Was wondering how they could record a lease without paying first. Still have not been paid yet, but have not reached 90 banking days.  Now I have heard a few people complaining about Shell. My experience was rather good with them.  Went to their office in New Castle about 2 weeks before an agent met with my wife and I. While I was at the office there was an older couple questioning the land man about numerous things.  As I listened to their conversation I learned that the couple did not even have any land to lease.   They where just there asking questions.   The land man talked to them and answered everything. Was impressed that he did not just "blow them off".  So Shell earned a bonus point with me. Then another land lady.  ( can I call her that )?   Took all my info and said they would be in touch in a few weeks because they were extremely busy.  She said if you don't hear from us on a couple of weeks feel free to call.  She gave me the number and I was on my way. 2 weeks passed and nothing.  So I called the Office in New Castle. She said she would find out what is going on and get back to me. So I waited. In 2 days a land lady called me back and set an appointment that was good for us. She asked us if we wanted to go there or if we wanted her to come to the house. We chose a home appointment. When the appointment time was near she was running late and she called and told us.  Miore points for Shell.  When she arrived at our house the power was out.  We met in the driveway with a flashlight and discussed what to do.  You know what ?  We lit candles and with the light from her laptop we continued as planned.  More points for Shell. 
During the lease signing she was very knowledgable. She explained everything in great detail.  I got every addendum I wanted.  We really got to know this person. It was a great experience. We got to know her and a lot about Shell. Very interesting stuff. I learned a lot.  Shell is a huge company. 

Anyway I don't mean to bore all of you with my story.  It was a good experience.  When I have a question I call. May not get an immediate answer but I do get answers.  

My ninety banking days are approaching.  Another month maybe and I am waiting as patiently as I can. I have worked two jobs for the past 7 years and because of Shell , I am going to quit my part time job when I get paid. More time with family.  Maybe a nice vacation.  Some gifts for the kids and grand kiddos.  And a new Cammaro  for my wife.  I really don't want anything except to quit working so much.  

I really appreciate where I live.  This drilling and bonus money caught us by surprise. A nice surprise.  You wake up one day and things are a little brighter.  Maybe there actually is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Must be cause I think I see it.  

This whole experience has been nothing but good for my family. I appreciate what I have. I appreciate all the information that is given here.  

Good luck to all of you !!  

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Did you try calling the numbers I posted for you? I have many other numbers for Shell as well and I would be calling every number available if I were you.

I called the number you gave for Kimberly's office, it is for someone else. I have been in direct conversations with the lease techs from Shell. Their line now is that I have been paid, and that it takes 7-10 business days to wire the money to my bank. Really? Because when HilCorp wired it to me I had it the next day. They are a nightmare.

Lance do you have a number of the people you spoke to? I am from Ohjo we signed back in October 2011 and still have not received payment along with many other property owners and can not get a answer from anyone and all the numbers we came across did not work or we did not receive a call back

Have any of you tried this number 1-800-435-1242 it is supposed to reach higher management.


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