Just received a 'declaration of pooling' notice from Rex...  Dated 2/27/2014.

728 Acres, finally on my side of the Connoquenessing creek! Runs roughly up Rader School Road on the East, the whole way to Rt 68. I only have a few acres, but I'm all in...  A lot of my neighbors to the East only have a small portion of their properties included. It's an odd shape and appears to come quite close to the new well on Constitution (i think it's named 'Shipley').

The notice says 'to the top of the Onondaga Limestone', and mentions 'the base of the Tulley Limestone'...  I'm not sure if that means Marcellus/Utica

I attached a map they sent me, hopefully it's readable. I have no idea where the actual well will be placed.


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You can request the well plat from the DCNR free of charge by email. Then you can see exactly where the well will be located. Provide the well name, township, county, and operator to Katherine Schmid and she will email the plat to you promptly. Here is the link:


 Onondaga Limestone is located directly under the Marcellus Shale, so it could be a Marcellus well. The well plat will state the target formation. The Utica is much deeper so that would not be included.

Hi Larry,

There are three permitted wells 019-22182,3,4 (so far).  Those are the numbers you need to order the well plats.

They are all marcellus.  Two of those are under your unit, one is slightly north east of your unit.

That is a nicely shaped unit.  4677 feet wide with laterals greater than a mile long.  They are using 600 foot spacing so should get 7-8 wells in there.  As far as I can tell, all the wells will come from the pad on the Western PA Company farm off Constitution Ave.  It looked to me like they have a big triple rig there - didn't get real close but looked like three standard pipes screwed together in the storage area.

Should be fun to follow!

Good luck!



Thanks Phil, appreciate the info...   It makes sense that the rig would be at the 'point' on the map, easy access to Rt 68 for the trucks.

When I drove by the construction site on Constitution, it had a sign that said 'Shipley' (my declaration says "Shipley South") so I thought it was for a different well. It appeared to be farther from Rt 68 than what shows on the map, but that might just be the driveway...  and I'm not sure what I'm looking at anyway :')

I requested the maps/info from the link above, should make for some interesting reading.



Originally the well pad was to be on one of the many Frank Shipley properties off Rt 68 south of the current location.  For some reason not known to me Rex decided to move the well pad to its present location on the Western PA Company property but it kept the Shipley name.

To reach the horizontal that will lie beside Spithalter School Road (all the laterals in this unit will be pointing toward the south east) they will have to drill at an angle to a point 6000 feet to the south west of the well pad and 5500 feet below the surface to get to the BEGINNING of the lateral!

The Shipley North unit should be to the north east of the Shipley South unit.  And there could be more units to the north west of the well pad.




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