I have learned that the lease I signed with Shell was filed at the Lawrence County Courthouse on March 22, 2012.  As of this date I have not received my bonus money.  Is that normal? When should I start to worry ? I figured since it was recorded over three weeks ago I would have been paid by now.  

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Drew; you are dealing with a huge corporation which means a large bureaucracy. When you call these people they have no idea what the status is or who is working on it. Your parcel is still probably being researched by a fairly low level abstracter at the courthouse.

Wait until day 90. And if it takes a week or two longer, don't be surprised.  Most courthouses are cramped, outdated, and very crowded. If they had found a problem they would have contacted you to clear it up.  No news is good news at this point.

I here ya Jim.  No big deal.  I thought I would inquire because I had nothing to do.  Up until this point everyone I talked to at Shell has been great to speak to. I leased a lot of property and had a few questions. All of my questions and or concerns were answered surprisingly fast.  I guess I had some free time so I asked some questions. Just sharing my experience with my fellow land owners.  Trying to make someone laugh.  I like seeing people happy.  Seems like its not working out for some people for one reason or another.  I feel for them.  When the money comes, it comes. If it does not.  Well,  so be it.  I'll definitely be ok.  But some will not.  I'm concerned about that. I'm concerned because the sharks in the water are just waiting out there for the un suspecting person who has no clue.  

There are so many right answers on here. But there is also a lot of Bull and there is no way to figure it all out.  I really enjoy reading this forum.  A lot of nice people looking for answers. A lot of good answers given. Stories of people getting their lives changed. I love that part of it.  Keep the good info coming Mr. Jim. 

I have been getting the run around from Shell for months we signed back in October! I have no problem with waiting but Holland Services keeps calling me to *update* me of what is going on and each person contradicts what the previous said. Shell has about the poorest communications skills ever I have tried calling every number I have seen posted for them and it gets me nowhere. Hope you have better luck

Here is a number for the payment processor.  Her name is Erin. 
724 730-2378
I live in Lawrence County Pa. We signed through Long Consulting.  Don't know if this is a good number for other areas. 

I would accept $500 less an acre to deal with HilCorp than Shell. HilCorp was great to deal with the whole time. Western Land Services is top notch as well. 


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