Seeing as how all these drilling companies, pipeline companies, midstream developement companies, etc. etc. are all getting in on this big gas and oil boom in the Utica/ which companys stock would you buy for the the greatest returns?  

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Remember the "rushes" -- gold, silver, oil -- of times past.  Who made the most money?  The storekeeper who sold them the equipment they needed.  Might be some companies there to invest in or the people who get the oil to market.  Remember Rockefeller?  The railroads were making quite a bit shipping his oil until they tried to squeeze him out and then he built his own transportation system.  His pipeline was quite innovative at the time.  And that is when he made serious money.  By the way, there is a good series from PBS about all those industrial giants. 

Where do I invest for the greatest returns?  I have found the best place to invest to realize the greatest returns is in people.  First in my children, then in others.  GREAT returns.


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