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This is the first time I have heard of "stontium" associated with the Marcellus shale in large quantities as compared to the nuke disaster in Japan. I would like to see  the DEP test results . I have been in the gas industry for 35 years, have viewed hunderds of gas analysis form a chromatograph, 0% "stontium". That said, some flowback fluid does contain very low levels of radioactivity. I do get very tired of the news media reporting more fiction than facts.

Maybe because the DEP folks in that area are not experienced in oil and gas exploration.  Remember it was only 2 -3 years ago that the DEP opened an Oil and Gas Bureau in that area.  Prior to the start up of all the drilling in the NE, that area was being covered by the more experienced oil and gas people out of Meadville and Pittsburgh.


If you have not worked in this industry, you are easily mislead by Harrisburg, the mainstream media and public opinion.

You called that right!

Some MM news outlets, I think in Philly, reported there had been an explosion.  This was erroneous, obviously.  They don't care.  They benefit from the sensationalism.


The only gasco faux pas I discovered is that they went ahead with finishing operations (fracking) despite knowing the heavy rains had weakened their containment berm.  This was an error.  They took a risk, they lost, and we all have been hurt by the bad publicity, with frac fluid having escaped containment.  They (Chesapeake) should have taken a little extra time and shored up that berm prior to going forward with fracking.  It was, or it would have been, their margin of safety.


Rain happens.  Either you design for it, possibly by shielding the berm, or you accommodate to it as need arises.  You cannot just ignore it or simply hope for the best.  Hope is not a business strategy.  And accidents of this nature, where confinement is lost, are bad for business because of all the negative publicity.  The MM has their long knives out for us anyway.  There's no sense in us sharpening those knives for them. 

Having been working in the oilfield over 32 yrs I can say accidents do happen. The blowout of the dreaded frac fluid is not good. Frac fluid is not near as bad as it is made out to be. Basically it is water

with some additives that are not harmful at all in the small concentrations that it contains. Look people here in the NE. You have a new industry that is going to make a difference. Your states were in a terrible fiancial bind before we came.  The industry needs young men who will work and right

now that is a great problem. We can't find enough men that can pass a drug screen and want a job. The

Marcellus Shale is an asset. Open your ears and eyes. It is not a bad thing.

Excellent statement Homer.  I hope the people in PA do wake up soon and quit opposing this industry.  I'm all for protecting our forests and water but the forests and water aren't providing good paying jobs or natural gas (unless of course there is drilling in the forests.)  I also work in the industry (only one year not 32 years) but am having a terrible time finding people who can or are willing to do the work - no one wants to work the schedule that is required and drug testing is definitely a problem. 


How much can one make? I'm looking for a change.
It depends and it is hard work

Homer, you stated that the "blowout of the dreaded frac fluid is not good" then said "Frac Fluid is not near as bad as it is made out to be"..UM


As for the industry needing men , it sure does..Locals need to work and the boys growing up these days are LAZY (sorry If I hurt anyone's feelings)..But if the xbox and Wii leave maybe you might get a few more boys..

I think the industry is a good thing but I think it came on way to fast and left us in a lurch with little knowledge on how to deal with it, how to control it, how to fix our enviroment and all the other goodies that come with the industry. I feel slower progress would of been more acceptable in my eyes. It has its PROS and CONS.


Also, if we are going to make money here in PA that is great..Yeah we are in a bad way..Our Govenor does need to tax the NG industry, they aren't going to be offended and will pay..They certainly can afford it! Our Education was cut 50% !! We could be training the locals to work in this industry!! Education is the key to success! Instead our Gov..takes the campaign contributions from the NG industry so they stay. Who is he kidding! They won't leave they are getting what they want , it IT makes them money. IF WE ARE NG RICH WHY ARE WE EDUCATIONAL POOR?

The irony of this video is that it was set in Bradford County well before this spill....

Where do you live?  I have property there, and was up there last summer.  This video is total bu11shit


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