How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Butane strong as well 

How will the surge in prices for gas company stock impact future merges or buy-outs?  

I really really hope and pray we start drilling on our land. its in the works from what i was told. We need to be producing here!

Once again no reply button on your post Farmgas ..... I would not expect too many buyouts now as prices are high .... mergers might be possible ... Usually its due to lack of future drilling inventory that inspirers a deal ..... CNX is viewed to be in that position ... Sometimes Management is getting paid very well and is unwilling to part with those nice benefits ..... Deals are always a surprise , nobody saw the COG / XEC deal coming , and many still don't like it .... This is a very frothy Market , Investors in energy have had a very good run ... As of today I am reducing positions greatly to preserve profits ..... Could be a mistake , who knows ??? 

 PS . best of luck to you MS Kress , I hope you get that first check soon ..... 

Natural gas price continues to stay strong, and the Ukraine situation remains on-going in Europe.  How are gas companies responding to the need for more natural gas?   Will we see more drilling this year and at an accelerated pace?  If so, where? 

Accelerated drilling is slowly happening mostly in the Permian ...... And some private outfits in Appalachia .... The big guys are staying the course so far 

Why would the major gas companies hold back?  Wouldn`t the higher NG prices off-set cost for further development?

Why would producers hold back ... 


ESG , Banks , Shareholders , Lack of New Pipelines all are factors ..... 


Banks now get branded as Climate Change enablers if they invest in oil/gas ... 

 Shareholders want greater returns ,,, cost a lot of money to expand ... 

 Climate Change Folks are aggressively demanding no new pipes .....  

There is a lot of masquerading happening with investment energy funds, fossil and green selling both,Blackrock as one example.

Believe it or not Blackrock has recently merged its pipeline Asset in the permian with a APA pipeline to form KNTK ...... Blackrock is the majority owner ... Which only has a 5% public float ........ I do hold shares ...... 

 Blackrock has also been buying shares of some quality Producers .... 

The greens have held up the final miles of the fully subscribed MVP pipeline .... Sen Joe Manchin  is pissed that this pipe , vital to electric generation in the US Southeast , is being held up .....ETRN is the pipeliner in control 

The first quarter in 2022 is coming to an end soon.  What will the remainder of the year look like for gas companies?  LNG demand seems to be increasing... 


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