How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Looks like a serious changing landscape in Europe for natural gas.  It`s reported today that Germany is planning to build several LNG facilities.  Russian gas is not wanted!

Those new LNG plants will take awhile ... Good in the Long Run , immaterial for today .... Oil up 4% today , N Gas also bullish .... Goldman says oil $110 or better .... We shall see ..... 

What exactly has Blackhawk Energy purchased from EQT, Range & CNX in SWPA?  Will they operate wells or drill new ones?  Will they own these wells like Diversified Energy?  

...or are they paying in advance for future gas royalties?  That doesn`t sound prudent or does it?

Euro gas prices up 30% overnight ... Good for US propane producers ... AR , RRC , OXY 

Energy prices going thru the roof ... Once in a generation opportunity for Investors  

good time to sell when he stops fighting in Ukraine prices will fall.

All Investments are only as good as the next headline .... 


Will Russia be able to sell its oil ? Will there be a terror attack in Arab producing countries ? Will Biden drop Iran oil sanctions ? will high oil prices cause a recession ???? 

These news cycles happen minute by minute  .... Traders might be quick to take profits at these levels or oil might jump to $150 ... Who knows ???? 

 best of luck to all 


How about the impact for gas companies & their positioning for growth now?  There is no joy for gas companies over what is happening in Ukraine right now but how will they respond to the near & far term demand for energy?  Will gas companies use this windfall to prepare for their future?  I think we are at a turning point for the US & world energy picture. 

Gas companies have repaired their balance Sheets beyond anyones expectation ...... They too are subject to the next headline ??? Cold Weather ?? Hot Weather ??? 

 Long term outlook for gas is good as a 'transition ' fuel , but the road might be very bumpy ....

What is keeping NG prices from skyrocketing closer to $6 or higher now?  The demand is there.  Is there a supply problem?  

Gas production keeps climbing ...Its coming from the Permian ... They want oil , but gas comes along with it .....many wells are around 60% oil 40 % gas , with 4 barrels of salty water for every barrel of oil .....


Propane in Europe stays strong good for AR / RRC 


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