How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Gas and oil are both extremely volatile... Human nature [ greed ] causes producers to amp up production during high price periods causing an excess in markets , causing prices to plummet . Rinse repeat , rinse repeat ... In addition to saving $$$ on a new pad , drilling different 'benches' saves $$$$ on the ability to use existing transport instead of the need to build new pipes . PS, they usually drill the best layer first .  

AR downgrded today 

Are there any of these "wine rack" wells in Pennsylvania for natural gas?   Are they difficult to create?  ant drawbacks to them?  I`m thinking the Utica would be drilled first because of the higher pressure.  Does each shale layer have its own tubing through the vertical bore to the surface?

Farmgas Google it and follow web site's.

Pressure has very little to do in the decision making , aas line pressure is regulated by the shipper 

History lesson ... Looking at one of  list of Energy Symbols from a few years back reveals that many of them no longer exist .. COG, CXO , WLL , and a slew of other have been taken over or merged . " Will the circle be unbroken " ? 

How are things looking going into the 2nd quarter?

Earnings will be much lower over all . Those who are hedged will fare better ... Have been accumulating a SW  PA , producer over the last week or so . Propane inventories are bulging... Oil has been drifting higher for over a week . All things are tentative as talk of recession   continue ... Tricky time to make $$$$$ ... OIL inventory comes out this morning , could be bullish 

Sounds like more of the  same from last quarter.  What do you mean accumulating a SWPA producer...?

This qtr will be less profitable than last year for all producers ... $2,15 gas is unprofitable in the long run for most producers . I now have a full position in  SWPA producer ... 

"the beat goes on "   OVV  [the old encanna ], spends $4 billion on Permian assets . As in Miners , consolidation is the name of the game in this sector . 

What is the forecast for natural gas prices increasing again?


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