How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022? Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices? What`s next?
Hard to get a pipe beyond OH , WV , PA .. Due to high energy prices , Euro manufacturing is being destroyed , look for some of those industries to relocate to the US , and US sourced N Gas .
Gas companies to report on Q2 reports later this month. What can we expect from them? Who is going to be surging ahead?
Could be a difficult qtr for most outfits . I have built a full position in one Appalachian producer . It all depends where Gas prices are headed . Will it be a hot summer ? Will producers scale back production ? The gas rig count has been dropping which could bode well for the future .
Judge shuts down MVP pipe
Plenty of 'glitches " present opportunities if your timing is right .
What is the next major pipeline in the planning stages to take gas away from western PA, Ohio or WV?
Considering what the MVP folks are going thru , NOBODY will be building any new pipes in the region for a long time . PS . Gas production was over 103 bcf yesterday .. very bearish
I read today that Japan is advocating for a world natural gas reserve. I suppose like is being done for oil in our country. A strategic natural gas reserve. Is this a feasible option for the United States to consider for domestic use? It would be great if we just sold NG to someone else somewhere in the world to store it. How many countries actually store NG now. Our storage is by private gas companies. I assume elsewhere in the world the individual governments would store it.
The US is awash in gas just waiting to be drilled sometime in the future .. Also they could prohibit LNG sales with the flick of a switch in an emergency . Where would a 'world reserve " be located ? With ever changing politics our friends today could become our adversaries in the future .
Do European countries store underground the LNG we sell to them now? Not sure what the underground strata must be like to store natural gas. A depleted gas field?
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