How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Managers / companies  get rewarded for growth ... Some are trying to stay flat , others like AR i think are poised to grow by 9% .... EOG [ a great oiler ] has just developed central OH as a major play ... Multiple others have failed in that region including Shell , Hess , CHK and COG .. Look for additional gas / oil as this OH play develops ... As gas is now over $3 , the valves are opening wider across appalachia to get some profit out of those wells ... 

Check out Tioga Pathway Project

Shouldn`t opening up those valves cause wells to decline faster necessitating drilling more wells?  That should help drilling moving into the non-core areas sooner, right?

As the technology gets better the 'core' keeps expanding  

Thanks Paleface 

Seneca and other gas companys need an LNG export on the ST Lawerence.

Lots of luck getting a major new pipeline thru NY State ..

110 bcf / d   production , new records  ... Insanity,,,, Once again gas is currently uninvestable  

When will the market change for the better?

Not until supply and demand says so.  Unfortunately there are no industry insiders on this site.  

Insiders ? Not to spoil your post , but 'insiders ' say very little in public , its in their best interest to stay away from the SEC dept .... 

Those who sat with the valves closed with $2.50 gas have turned the vales open @ $3 to make some money ... 


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