How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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To the "Snowbirds" sheltering in Florida to a pending a new winter storm coming to Pennsylvania and the northeast this weekend, 2024 is looking better for gas royalty seekers.  Cheers!!

Its getting a bit easier to be bullish on gas ... I started a small position in a Appalachian producer a few weeks ago and have been adding to it steadily . Hopefully your snow forecast become reality .. Long Island expects a wintry mix ... SW Fla = Sunny  

NG prices on the rise.  A major winter storm is approaching the northeast this weekend.  Lot`s of snow and colder temperatures means rising NG prices.  Did you take your snow shovel with you Ralph?  You can`t shovel sunshine!

Yep the gas company's are busy building infastructure,water lines,gathering lines rebuilding pads for future drilling hasen't been this active since the early years.

Good new for locals . I get Real Estate updates from your area on a regular basis , your property prices remain high .. I continue to add to my Appalachian producer ... Mid East continues to heat up ... We shall see.... 

I graduated from the U of Miami ,, my Junior year it snowed enough to cover the grass . The headline in the Miami Herald read ' The day it snowed in Miami " . Here's hoping you get tons of snow and cold temps .... 

Seneca applied for 6 drilling permits for Painter well pad in Westfield.

Very good news for the locals ... Congrats !!!!! Cheaper than virgin pad as the infrastructure is already in place 

Multiple winter storms crossing the US thru Pennsylvania this week.  Will gas prices creep ahead?  

I like your reference to the "early years" paleface.  Those were great years!  What an exciting time.

Price went to $2.97 today ... Up from $2.30 range a few weeks ago ... Most producers have not responded . .. 

 CHK potential  merger with SWN is making headlines . I do have 'skin' in the game .. Oil weakness due to oversupply fears .. Certain Coal miners have done extremely well lately , while Thermal coal miners have come back to earth . 

Gas $3.10 today .. gas producers are not paticipating in the price movement 

Heavy snow & rain hitting PA today.  Sounds like it is helping the NG pricing, Ralph.  What do you mean the gas producers are not participating in the gas movement?


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