How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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Despite cold , gas prices are once again softening ... Hard to make $$$ right now in the energy patch , the only segment believe or not is coal .. Coal has had a good run this year , both thermal and especially coking coal ...Follow a few windmill players too , they have had a tough year . A couple now pay a very nice divivdend , and by owning them you can brag to your friends how 'green' your investments are ... PS. Its easier than owning a Tesla . 

Plenty of tesla's in NY , not so much outside wealthy areas . 

Not interested in an electric vehicle...too old fashion I suppose.  Just not into all the gadgets of operating one.  Younger generation can go all out for them.  What`s going on...I`m cold and the gas prices are going south!  Everything has been messed up from the pandemic years.  "Normal" everything has changed.

I heard the big gas and electric co are buying electric from the big wind farms which cuts back on there Natural gas purchases. That might explain why the price didn't jump when winter started.

Will this be the new normal going forward?

Maybe when there is to many whales and dolphins on the beach's they'll reevaluate. 

GAs demand for electric is up 6% year over year . . Windmills only produce 28% of the time on average ... The joke is on us ..... 

 Multiple whale deaths last year off Long Island as they sounded the ocean floor ... This year zippo whale headlines , meanwhile the windmill project off Long Island has been cancelled... Coincidence ? 

So when gas companies look into their crystal ball to plan their futures, what are they looking for?   They can`t predict weather conditions, they can`t predict global conditions, they can`t predict climate change conditions, they can`t predict the what do they do?  Is it historical information, is it wall street movement, is it a coin flip or a roll of the dice that influences their future?  Maybe Punxsutawney Phil could offer some guidance next week!

If we see Punxsutawney Phil with a hard hat on we'll know.

Gas producers need pipes ... New pies are awfully hard to build these days in the Eastern US and the west coast . Dont see much higher production from Appalachia ... The extra gas is mostly from the Permian and Haynesville . Haynesville has had a rebirth and is now in vogue with the LNG operators ... Permian GOR is increasing and is a huge factor in current high production levels  

That`s not a very pretty picture for the Appalachia gas future, Ralph.   Existing wells are declining and will need to be replaced with new wells.  Core areas for most of the Appalachian gas drillers are declining as well.   Are they just going to run out the clock before alternative sources are developed, or what?  Maybe just  outlast the Texas gas fields. 

I would think Appalachian consolidation will continue . Production should remain flattish with an occasional new local power plant added here and there . Overall production should remian stable for years to come . Eventually as with all mining activity the region will be played out .. First to go is the most profitable grounds , then the lesser lands will become more viable , it also depends on whats happening nationally ... Windmills nationally only produced 20% of the time last qtr , solar is in the 35% range .... Gas used for generation is up this year ... To date windmills / solar are not going to 'save' anything , and electric cars turn out to be bigger polluters than our gasoline cars ... Story yesterday that Fla E car drivers are getting 10,000 miles or less on e car tires ... Tire pollution is a much bigger issue than exhaust pollution .... 

4th quarter reports are showing up now.  Anyone reading them?  What do they tell us or reveal about the gas companies?  You need to be an accountant to understand them.  CNX presented their report today.  Any thoughts? 


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