How are the surging natural gas prices affecting drilling this year, and what about going into 2022?  Are the gas companies taking advantage of these higher prices?  What`s next?

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After a 20 % bulge , propane inventories have gone down significantly, and are now close to 5 year averages .  

Wouldn`t this reflect colder winter temperatures for heating?

The Midwest , rural sections use a lot of propane for heat , also for corn drying ... The last cold front seemed to settle in on that region . 

Natural gas access, as once was electricity, is a big problem for rural folks.  Propane is the primary source for heat & cooking.  This is one reason why old shallow gas wells are so important to many rural families.

Good point on those shallow wells ... 

 Heavily populated Long Island has only 50 % gas availability , the rest heat with Oil .... 

 Why only 50% ? ... ... You can thank the politicians .... 

 Some do use propane for cooking and they all BBQ with propane .... 

 Down here in SW Florida , seems like there is a gazillion outdoor food joints and most of them have those pretty propane heaters table side .... 

Ralph, you're making me hungry.

Paleface , possibly one of the best steaks on the East Coast . A Supermarket called Seed to Table ... You go to the Butcher pick out your steak , tell the lady at the kiosk how you want it done .. Find a table and they cook it and bring it to you .. Get the 2 inch thick Cowboy  or Porterhouse steak ... My Wall Street guys tell me thats its as good as any pricey steak in Manhattan ... 

I'm going steak shopping tomorrow.

So I guess the food doesn't have the air pollution flavoring enhancement. That you get in Manhatton.

Growing up in the Streets of NYC , I only get there now for my fix of Korean food [ no I am not Korean } , and to visit two of my young  adult Kids , one in the upper west side and one in Brooklyn ... 

 My Brooklyn guy is ready to move out and get a house with a bit of land ... My Daughter thinks she's a 'cool' NYC 'chick" .... 

 Get to the Garden to catch a Villanova Basketball game once in awhile .... 

 Given a choice between NYC or Tioga PA , I would choose Tioga in a heartbeat .... 

Ralph you would save a pile of money with the tax difference, I live in Montgomery County its hammering me with tax's Montgomery CO. says capital gains is earned income.

Paleface , We are strongly considering becoming Fla residents , while keeping the NY home and various business interests up there ..... Tax savings alone make it a very worthy consideration ... NY taxes and regulations are slowly crippling growth , innovation , while SW Fla is booming ... 

 Getting back to Energy .... Coal stocks have been whacked this week and N Gas kissed $1.99 last night .... Forward futures not looking too promising ...  


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