Josh Fox's documentary may be an oxymoron, but public anxiety about the environmental aftermath of Marcellus shale drilling is palpable and real. To me, it suggests the need for much more education on the subject.

Creating a favorable opinion for Marcellus drilling must go well beyond typical approaches, and put development into proper perspective. Doing so will help people see through all of the negative sensationalist tactics.

I'm reading more anti-drilling rants like this one by Kevin Blaum in the Wikes-Barre Times Leader. When the only source one has for information about gas drilling is having watched Gasland, and possibly reading a few biased news articles, there is a natural tendency to become a drilling opponent.

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Randy-- I hadn't specifically read the JLCNY one, but did see EID's that makes many of the exact same points. While helpful, these kinds of approaches essentially are reactions after-the-fact. I was trying to imply that taking a more proactive approach could be useful. It's better when people have the overall lay of the land--in other words, that there are great benefits from developing the Marcellus, and yes, also a few occasional issues, but none significant enough to warrant unnecessary delays, let alone having a moratorium. Many among Gasland's audience have been blind-sided by the fact that they haven't heard the other side of the argument. One question I have is why hasn't it been put forth more forcefully? --Tom


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