Hello all,
Here is an interesting link that sheds some light of truth on the Environmental effects of fracturing in oil and gas production. This article shows some criminally biased propaganda of the Antis.
Are these clowns who masquerade as scientists trying to undermine our economy and bring down the USA from within because that's the only way it can be done?  


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It is truly scary that some folks can't see the trees from the forest.

Is the illustrious  James Northrup stumbling around here somewhere....he needs to read this link. I wonder how he will respond?  One can always be hopeful he'll see the light that he is nothing more than a person being used by others. Of course maybe he is on their payroll as well!

Yes craig, it is scarey what is happening.  In the old days some of these Obstructionists would be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.   There are people in other LinkedIn groups who also dislike the Obstructionists.

Anyone who pursues the truth should be outraged at the  biases and misinformation that the Antis put forth.  Maybe some of the people who could be making money but aren't should form a legal class, get a good law group and hold the Obstructionists feet to the fire.  Surely there is an actionable Tort to recover  their losses caused by the lies and misinformation.  I'm not a lawyer.  Just a thought.

In any case, if the right thinking people keep up the good fight, We will prevail in the end..  Natural gas is one of the best fuels, and I agree that its use will greatly benefit our economy and country.

Thanks for posting this. The Left is a well financed, well organized movement that must be exposed. They have their tentacles in many aspects of our society. And the only way to defeat them is to expose them.

One of the problems with debating them is that they will throw out a large number of inaccuracies, selected use of data, and outright lies in a short period of time and it takes much longer to document each and every fact. People have a short attention span and the antis win by "running out the clock."

The other problem is the near total control they have in the media. Its very hard to get the facts out when the lies come by newspapers, network news, Hollywood stooges, social media, internet sources, the music industry, and more.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Thanks for posting. I'd like to think that truth will prevail, at least in other states outside of NY. I wonder why other reporters aren't writing stories along the lines of this blog?


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