  • Male
  • Beaver, PA
  • United States
  • Landowner

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Judge: US agency lacks authority to set rules on fracking

Started this discussion. Last reply by 0ym9x5ag7ury2 Jun 22, 2016. 2 Replies

Good news from an Obama nominated Judge!!  Unbelievable!…Continue

EPA : Fracking has no impact on drinking water

Started Jun 4, 2015 0 Replies

From the EPA, who we all know would report negatively on the subject if possible.Can't wait for our resident naysayers' response, if there is one.…Continue

January 3 2015 - Wind Turbine Collapses in Northern Ireland

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dan Warner Jan 10, 2015. 70 Replies

I didn't see this make the news anywhere in the US, or maybe I missed it.We can't have bad news about wind power generation floating around in the media can we? If a similar situation presented…Continue

Just as we thought.....Huge solar plant lags in early production

Started Nov 18, 2014 0 Replies

Producing about 50% of expected annual output.…Continue

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Introduce Yourself
Chesapeake, multiple pracels leased at various times and amounts. Last lease was signed with CHK in June 2011 for $3150/acre 18% gross, South Beaver Twp.
I do my best to keep up with most facets of drilling in our area. I also talk to lots of my customers from the area, some of which include folks in the various related industries. Folks 'in the know' do tend to keep their lips sealed on the subject though.
What is your role?
Which state(s) are you following?
Pennsylvania, Ohio
What shale plays do you follow?
Marcellus, Utica

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 8:46pm on November 26, 2012, industry resident said…

Hey craig - do read just read article about RMG? planning on a cracker plant our area . Dont know if that is shells or another?

At 4:18pm on September 4, 2012, industry resident said…

thanks for checking that out-seemed strange -I think i get it now-

At 4:00pm on August 5, 2011, Nancy LeNau said…
Craig,  I took your advice a while ago about learning.  Thank you..... I have spent 3 hours every evening on this computer. I have learned a lot and still need to learn a lot more !  I have found many interesting sites. For all that follow you....this is no surprise... I found out about it about 6 months ago.. now it is confirmed.....CSPK conference call.......888-203-1112   password....5165869.  It is good to talk to a human....with knowledge....YOU !    My situation has changed and ....I signed with CSPK today.   Still continue to learn !  This is really fun !    Just wanted to say a BIG Thank you for all your help and support !   Many, Many, Thanks and God Bless you, Nancy
At 4:04pm on July 30, 2011, Nancy LeNau said…
Craig, I need your help again.... Our group offered us from Chesapeake $2,350.00 and 15% gross BUT with a 5 year contract and another 5 YEAR OPTION.  The $$ is fine but I do not like the Option.  I would much rather they take more $$ off the bonus and forget the option.  Another attourney said he could get me $2,015.00 and 15% gross and a straight 5 year contract with no option. I am in Hookstown, PA. 15050.  My  present lease will be up Sept. 15th of this year with Great Lakes (Range) The group said this would be no problem ?  HELP ?
At 3:35pm on May 27, 2011, Nancy LeNau said…
Hello again Craig, Thank you !!  Again....You have answered my question with 100 %  understanding !  Now, I also understand what a "unit" is. I am so glad I joined this group and found you with a "fountain of information" ! I feel like a little sponge.... I want to learn more and more.  I find this so very interesting. You are truely wonderful !  Thank you, Nancy....from Hookstown.
At 3:39pm on May 23, 2011, Nancy LeNau said…

Hello Craig, This is Nancy in Hookstown.  Thank you so very much for the information you have sent. I have signed up with the Mount Jackson group and my  76 acres in Hookstown plus my 3 acres in Clinton are under negotiations.  I was told I would know something by the end of May.  That is also when my contract is up with the group, but if I don't send a letter to them they will extend me for another 6 months.  My question was... let me try to get this right?  Is there a difference in the royalties $ if the well is on my property verses on someone elses ?  I prefer the well...NOT... be on my property.  I have so much to learn ...... Thanks to friends like you....  I am learning much faster !!  Again... THANK YOU !!  Nancy

At 10:57am on May 1, 2011, Sherry said…
Ah, I should have read your original post a little better, as you did say "newer".  Alas, maybe my husband will graduate up to one some day!  His friend drills on a 430 model, and that rig was NICE!  Like I said, maybe one day.  Take care and Good Luck - here's hoping for some nice production numbers for you!

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