The ESTABLISHMENT'S war againt America's middle class

Donald Trump is standing tall fighting against all that is evil in America today, republican, democrat and media alike. Evil is defined as those working to destroy America's middles class thru lies & deception. See, this election is about America versus imperial Washington DC. From this election forward, our enemies have identified themselves as the supporters of institutional corruption that rewards special interests and donors, and Hillary Clinton is the face of this corruption. All of America's middle class needs to be fully aware that everyone supporting Hillary and the imperial Washington DC ESTABLISHMENT is working to destroy those of us in the middle class by opening up prisons of violent felons, open borders puts everyone not having a security detail at risk, trade that allows special interests to arbitrage both labor and regulations, and regulations that protect the special interests that have paid to play. Trump's new American order puts American interests first, and the middle class at the head of the table...

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I might add that the interests of Americans includes development of domestic oil and gas/shale.

Hillary is opposed to domestic oil and gas development/shale.

Uhhh... think it has anything to do with Saudi Arabia's massive donations to the Clinton Foundation......?

Every policy Hillary supports IS based entirely on who gave how much to them.  Hillary is only for Hillary without exception...$$$

She should be in prison already for pay to play scams as SOS. Garbage.


The Queen uh Hillary would never do anything for money!

Especially if it wasn't in the best interest in her subjects uh the American people.

He said with tongue squarely in cheek.

Being in agreement with everyone up to this point, I might add that the Middle Class is long gone.

I watched them leave the building each time we down sized for our king. All that is left are scared employees, enslaved, working long hours and being paid well for it, being the last survivors of Corporate Greed.

The ceo's are trying hard to figure out how to do without those who are left, so some will be CUT from the “Team” (corporations are one man Teams but the ceo likes to spread the blame when something goes wrong so he keeps a false Team to hide in) when that small local Bank branch is closed because the “Team” listened to the "People", when the fact is none of the People wanted the Bank branch to close. The ceo needs the money for the Greed Competition he is participating in at Forbes Magazine (soon to go electronic in order to let some more middle class players go, for their kings future pay raise).

We have had 29 years of Political Action Committee Funds being placed in the hands of our elected officials legally (1978 was the year the PAC Funds were formed made legal by US law more than likely written by a lobbyist. I saw PAC Funds as a bribe and was asked to pay up each month. I refused and have never paid into this bad idea). 

Just as our Fore Fathers saw the Church as a possible interference in Our Democracy and ensured Separation Of Church and State, we now see Corporations as running our Democracy which is something Our Fore Fathers could not have envisioned. The only peaceful way to save Our Democracy is for each of us to take a stand and demand the Separation Of Corporation and State.

We need to:

1) Demand Laws that make corporate money in the hands of our elected officials illegal, with prison time.

2) Demand Laws that remove all lobbyists from Washington and prohibit them from participating in writing Our Laws.

3) Limit ceo & executive pay to a fair and reasonable amount eliminating the need for downsizing and corporate greed. See Japan for ideas on this.

This will bring back the middle class, and will put corporations back in a support role for US Citizens. Your cookie packages will stop getting smaller as the price goes up each year. Made in USA will mean something when the items produced are made with quality not made cheaply to move money to the ceo’s bank account.

PAC Bribery Funds will no longer be legal, so our elected officials will once again work for We The People or find themselves in a cell if they can’t control their greed.

This theft everyone in the Shale Play States is and will be experiencing, is now taking place in 1/3rd of our US States.

How long can this Theft continue before those who normally obey the law become the outlaws, while the true Outlaws steam roll Our Democracy by ignoring State & Federal Laws in the name of Personal & Corporate Greed.

Why would a wealthy man risk his life and fortune in an attempt to become president of the US, and what will happen in the future if he fails?

Think about it.

Understand that much of what we think of as "middle class" is in fact small business. Between regulations, lack of credit, harmful trade agreements and illegal immigration, these have all worked to make new business formation as low as it has been in 30 years. No incentives means no new businesses. Trump's moratorium on new rules is a great start and we need to begin pealing away at the volumes now on the books. Dodd Frank regulations have regulated out small community banks that is often the source of business credit. Repatriating capital held abroad will add substantially to the availability of credit. Either renegotiate or exit our current trade agreements and you have an environment fertile for new business development. Small business creates about 80% of our new jobs, and I see great things ahead under Trump's ideas...


Agreeing with you once again and adding that repealing unnecessary regulations and taxes will help develop small businesses associated with shale development.

New businesses = new jobs.

New businesses = new taxes to local governments and schools.

New businesses = new spending at local stores, restaurants etc.

Uuhhmm, excuse me but:

Simple Definition of middle class

  • : the social class that is between the upper class and the lower class and that includes mainly business and professional people, government officials, and skilled workers

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary

Update: Correction of PAC Fund formation, change that 78 to 87 please. Thanks


Far too many landowners, and other Americans of course as well, do not accept that the American media is completely on the side of the establishment, just as you assert.  Many low information Americans continue to believe our media is unbiased.  Those people should read this:

American media is an arm of the DNC

The establishment is fighting tooth and nail to hold onto their power.  If Trump goes down, they win and "we the people" lose big time.


Reading ya' Frank.

Believing ya' too.


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