Has any one ever noticed that some of the nay sayer's are people that ,

1. have no land to lease 

2. signed way to early because of  greed ( not all , but you know who you are  )

3. don't want the real news or facts 

4. are Amish -- just kindin on that one 

5. NPR junkie .

This condition now has a medical term  I Have No Land To Lease Syndrome .

I signed a lease to early on one of places guilty of # 2 but not trying to ruin anyone else's 

chances .


If anyone has any idea's of how to help please share !

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Ridge, one of the symptoms is also lower IQ, rapidly debilitating.

I think the only cure is becoming Amish. 

LOL , Ron . I notice they are all around us .

I think it was Fang that said : This winter  " no gas for you " .


The cure they are looking for is "Wealth Redistribution", with a side order of "Class Warfare".

Make room at the trough for them.

If they cannot have it, no one should.

The problem with their idea of a cure is that it ultimately is worse than the disease (greed and envy).



Jack , this monster they feed will some day eat it's own !

Very well put my friend .

what they need t realize is their ability to support themselves will be enhanced by all the jobs heading this way. oh, i may be wrong. jobs could drive them out of the oil states.

LOL Gary , they need to realize the amount of work and taxes that came long before the discovery of shale oil and gas .My self I have put many years and tears into my land without knowing the coming oil and gas .

Countless hours , bug bites , mowing & cutting , briers , gallons of sweat ,and gambles .

You to can have things like this but it requires you get off of the couch and join the crowd and not look  for hand outs ! 

This process should save all of us alot of money and dependence from non - friendly countries .

LOL Fang on the Schmeck . 

They really don't see  they are feeding the beast that will devour  them and anything in it's path .

I wonder if the if the urban shrimp farmer has any urban rap  songs ?

Jeff D,


I believe they mean Fake Environmentalist are what you enumerated.


The Shrimp Emperor


Jeff , I do apologize . My statement might of been to far reaching .The people that cause the most conflict here  usually meet the criteria that I mentioned above .

If I offended you sorry .

The fact's are as stated  above just to mention a few .

I personally am totally a enviro-wienie but do it in a realist way being that the new found vast amounts of clean burning energy " as Jack Straw mentioned " truly is our best bet if we want to have the same or close to the same way of life .

As new greener  energy is made available  I am all for it but we aren't there yet .Maybe if the 

elected could cut back on the big parties and wasteful spending  for a while this could 

happen sooner than later ! Don't hold your breath . 

People should be trashing them rather than us . We can change that this fall --> VOTE <-- .

Have you ever seen how much pollution is caused by mining ? It is unbelievable in compare .

Look at what is cleared from the surface " where we dwell " and what it is replaced with .

Most people do not realize most of or drinking water is shallow rather than deep were the drilling occurs , right were the mining takes place .

I am not minumizing the hazards of oil and gas exploration and giving this industry a break 

but in compare I vote the cleaner of the two as should everyone .

Jeff I acre about the Constitution also and am glad you do to !

This post was targeted at the people that signed to early  and accuse others of being greedy and are mad at the world , those who don't have a dog in the race and are mad ,and those who dont have any land to lease .

Jeff I hope that when you or others  way out the energy choices that for now NG is looking 

good .

Jeff D. wrote:

3.  Environmentalists have no personal property. 

That's not true.  Bongs and ratty Bob Marley T-shirts count as personal property.

Marcus , I laughed so hard  I think one of my teeth feel out !

  I don't go for the Global warming scam, carbon credits, regulatory rules that are putting Americans out of work! As a landowner I don't like litter on the roadways near my property shall I demand that access be limited  to property owners only? 

  The only closely (loosely speaking)  non hypocrite environmentalist that I can think of are the Amish. But low and behold even they cheat a bit! 



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